12 Extinct Animals That Became Extinct in the Last Century

extinct animals
Credit: Animalia Bio

A dramatic indicator of environmental distress and the significant effects of human activity on the natural world is the extinction of a species. As the twenty-first century goes on, the stark fact of biodiversity loss becomes more and more apparent with the increase in extinct animals. Particularly in the past century, many animal species have gone extinct; each loss is a distinct tragedy that disturbs the delicate balance of the biological networks on our planet and ripples through ecosystems.

The tales of these extinct animals highlight the brittleness and tenacity of life, from the enormous forests of South America to the isolated islands of the Pacific. Twelve animals that went extinct in the previous century are examined in this article, along with their life histories, the causes of their extinction, and the wider environmental effects of their departure. Once colorful strands in their ecosystems, these extinct animals now stand as stark reminders of the pressing need for environmental management and conservation.

The ongoing biodiversity problem is partly caused by human activities that have exacerbated the rate of extinct animals, such as habitat degradation, pollution, climate change, and overexploitation. We can create more effective plans for safeguarding the surviving species and their ecosystems if we have a deeper understanding of the precise causes and effects of these extinct animals. 

We can better understand the intricacy of ecological interactions and the vital need of protecting the natural environment by thinking back on the stories of these extinct animals. The extinction of these species not only reduces the biodiversity of our world but also upsets ecosystems, which can have a domino effect on how entire environments work.

We will examine twelve amazing extinct animals that were extinct in the past century in this excursion, giving thorough details of their lives, the causes of their demise, and the effects of their loss on the environment. Our goal in telling these stories is to bring attention to the close relationships that exist between species and their environments as well as the crucial part that all living things play in preserving the harmony and health of our ecosystems.

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12. Passenger Pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius)

extinct animals
Credit: Flickr

11. Thylacine (Thylacinus cynocephalus)

extinct animals
Credit: Flickr

10. Baiji (Lipotes vexillifer)

extinct animals
Credit: Animalia Bio

9. Pinta Island Tortoise (Chelonoidis Abingdonensis)

extinct animals
Credit: Wikimedia Commons

8. Splendid Poison Frog (Osteopilus splendens)

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Credit: Wikimedia Commons

7. West African Black Rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis longipes)

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Credit: Flickr

6. Javan Tiger (Panthera tigris sondaica)

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Credit: Wikimedia Commons

5. Pyrenean Ibex (Capra pyrenaica pyrenaica)

extinct animals
Credit: Animalia Bio

4. Alagoas Foliage-gleaner (Philydor novaesi)

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Credit: Wikimedia Commons

3. Hofmann’s Poison Frog (Osteopilus hoffmanni)

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Credit: Study.com

2. Lord Howe Island Phasmid (Dryococelus australis)

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Credit: Wikimedia Commons

1. Stephen Island Wren (Traversia lyalli) – Extinct Animals

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Credit: GetArchive
Ella is a digital content intern who loves writing about entertainment, media, technology, and culture. She is a recent ... More about Ella Burch
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