7 Creepy Abandoned Places That Were Once Important Landmarks

creepy abandoned places
Credit: Wikimedia Commons

While buildings fall into disrepair all the time, there is something about creepy abandoned places that were once important landmarks or attractions that cast another light. Filled with graffiti, vegetation, and often silence, these places may all have different backstories but are now in the same creepy category. If you want to learn more about these seven creepy abandoned locations around the world, keep reading.

7. Haludovo Palace Hotel, Croatia

Credit: Wikimedia Commons

6. Power Plant IM, Belgium

Credit: Deserted Places

5. Michigan Theatre, Detroit

Credit: Flickr

4. Centralia, Pennsylvania

Credit: Wikimedia Commons

3. Beelitz-Heilstatten Hospital, Germany

Credit: Wikimedia Commons

2. Lee Plaza Hotel, Detroit

Credit: Flickr

1. Buzludzha Monument, Bulgaria

Credit: Wikimedia Commons
Alexandria is a News Editor, writer, and reader of all things literature. She graduated from the State University of ... More about Alexandria Wyckoff
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