Everything You Need To Know About The Toyzilla Swap Meet In Alhambra, California

Swap Meet
Author: Visitor7/ WIki commons

Toyzilla swap meet is a monthly event for the public in Alhambra, California. There is free parking if you are looking to go. No ticket is required to go, it is completely free. You can buy, sell and even trade toys. From comic books, art, toy collectibles, and games. By just the sounds of it seems like the greatest toy store.

I’m sure you have a few questions about the event.

When is the Toyzilla Swap Meet?

Toyzilla is a monthly swap meet, so there are a few dates to cover. August 20th, September 24th, October 29th, November 26th, and December 24th. They are all on a Saturday from 10 a.m to 4 p.m.

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Where is the Toyzilla Swap Meet?

If you have gone previously to a Toyzilla Swap Meet and don’t recognize the address, it is because they change locations. This is the new address 43 E. Main St. Alhambra, California, 91801.

Will there be the same vendors at Toyzilla Swap Meet each month?

The answer is maybe for their being the same vendors each month at Toyzilla. Depending on if the vendor is available and still looking to sell, they will be there.

A lot of the vendors have an enormous amount of items they are trying to sell. This is why they are continuously there at each swap meet. It is not guaranteed that the same vendors will be there in the following months. It is a first come first serve so if you see something you like it might not be there the next round.

I would plan ahead if you are looking to go, just in case, there is something you are wanting to get. Start saving the money at the beginning of the month before the Toyzilla swap meet. Even if you don’t plan on buying anything that way, you have the money if you ended up deciding to make a purchase.

If you’re wondering if you should bring cash or a card, I would say the best bet would be both. Sometimes the vendors have the card swipe chip they attach to their phones, so they can take credit or debit. Better to be safe than sorry because I know people tend to like cash. This is why I say to have cash on hand and also money on the card, that way you have more than one option to pay.

What kind of toys will be at Toyzilla Swap Meet?

The toys that you will see at the swap meet are anything and everything. It is definitely a kid’s dream to be able to go and spend Mom and Dad’s money here.

If you are a collector, you will have a field day walking around and seeing all the items they have. You can see anything from Funko, Star Trek, Star Wars, and game consoles. That’s right, sometimes there will be a vendor selling old game consoles like the Genesis, Famicon, and more.

For me, I would want to snap up their old DS games. I used to love playing Cooking Mama, Mario Kart, Sonic, and so much more. Trust me, it is easy to go crazy shopping here because you’ll definitely get hit with a big wave of nostalgia.

Be warned, some items will be fairly cheap while other items will be more money depending on the item itself and what it is worth.

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