The ocean, while absolutely stunning to watch, is actually a terrifying place. And there are some weird facts about the ocean that you might already know. For instance, we’ve explored more of space than the ocean. The ocean covers over 70% of Earth. But what are some other weird facts about the ocean that you do not know? If you want to learn more fun facts about the beautiful waters that surround us, keep reading.
6. The Ocean’s Influence
First on the list of weird facts about the ocean is its influence on Earth. We all know that the moon affects our tides, but did you know that the ocean actually helps regulate our climate, essentially acting like the planet’s “heart”?
Ocean currents circulate vital heat and moisture around the globe, similar to our circulatory system. Physical ocean processes like El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) in the Pacific Ocean basin and the Gulf Stream current in the Atlantic can influence climate worldwide.
5. Underwater Lakes and Rivers
The ocean is a strange and enchanting place. But one of the weird facts about the ocean is that there are actually underwater lakes and rivers. Yes, you read that right. Water located underwater. But how? When seawater seeps through thick layers of salt, the salt dissolves and forms depressions in the seafloor. That dissolved salt also makes the water in the area denser, and it settles into those depressions, causing lakes and rivers.
This can also be formed from temperature differences to cause other water formations, like waterfalls. Interestingly enough, the world’s largest waterfall is actually underwater and is known as the Denmark Strait Cataract.
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4. The Deepest Part
The ocean is unfathomably deep. Maybe that’s why it’s so unexplored because of the haunting depths that it reaches. But what is the deepest part of the ocean? One of the weird facts about the ocean is the Mariana Trench. It’s so deep that the Mariana Trench would surpass Mount Everest in height if the mountain were placed upside down, that is.
But even with its unparalleled depth, there are numerous creatures that thrive in the trench. It’s located to the east of the Mariana Islands, a chain of volcanic islands, where it gets its name. And the measurement for how deep it actually goes exceeds 6.5 miles, or 36,000 feet. To put this in perspective, the average depth of the ocean is roughly 12,000 feet, or 2.3 miles. Mount Everest is 29,032 feet high. Funnily enough, more people have visited the moon than the Mariana Trench.
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3. Corals Wear Sunscreen
When you’re out in the sun, it’s important to wear sunscreen to protect you from those UV Rays. But did you know corals do the same thing? One of the weird facts about the ocean is that corals actually produce their own sunscreen. These delicate ocean residents expel the algae and their sunscreen when the ocean temperatures warm, and they become stressed. This is to help prevent them from bleaching, which affects their ability to reproduce successfully.
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2. Unknown Species
As mentioned, the ocean hasn’t been explored enough. Which means there is so much to discover. Some of those discoveries include the species that dwell underwater. One of the weird facts about the ocean is that we don’t really know how many species exist in the water. There are estimates, and each year, there are more and more discoveries, but there is still so much left undiscovered.
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1. The Sounds of the Ocean
There are some sounds from the water that might be enchanting or interesting to many. These sounds can range from the beautiful songs of whales to the whistles and clicks of dolphins. But what about the creepy noises? One of the weird facts about the ocean is that there are sounds that come from the unidentifiable deep.
The “Bloop” is one famous sound that was picked up in 1997 by hydrophones. It was the loudest sound ever recorded off the southern coast of South America. While the popular hypothesis is that it was the sound of a large iceberg fracturing, known as “icequakes”, there are interesting theories that it was actually large creatures, with some jokingly saying it was linked to Cthulhu.