9 Weird Facts About Earth You May Not Know

weird facts about earth
Credit: NASA

The world is filled with incredible phenomena that constantly puzzle scientists, from the largest single organism to the longest mountain range. If you enjoy learning about the Earth and its many intricacies, keep reading for nine weird facts about Earth you may not know.

9. The driest place on Earth gets less than 1mm of rain annually

Credit: Britannica

8. Australia moved five feet in 22 years

Credit: Planet Volumes

7. The ocean influences Earth’s climate

Credit: samsommer

6. The largest single organism on Earth is a fungus

Credit: Phill Brown

5. The largest mountain range on Earth is in the ocean

Credit: Markos Mant

4. Antarctica is considered a desert

Credit: Jay Ruzesky

3. Earth used to be purple

Credit: Aron Yigin

2. There is a boiling river in the Peruvian Amazon

Credit: National Geographic

1. Rogue waves over 100 ft. tall are more common than you think

Credit: Daniel J. Schwarz
Alexandria is a News Editor, writer, and reader of all things literature. She graduated from the State University of ... More about Alexandria Wyckoff
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