Samsung Odyssey Neo G9 Monitor Review: A Massive Screen For A Serious Gamer

Samsung Odyssey Neo G9
Credit: Samsung Odyssey G9

Credit: Samsung Odyssey G9

The Samsung Odyssey Neo G9 49-inch ultrawide 4k monitor is an excellent choice for gamers who are looking for the highest level of experience.

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However, any gamer who does want the Odyssey Neo G9 will need deep pockets, as the screen costs a whopping $1,499+. The big question is, is it worth it? Find out below:

(Credit: Amazon)

Features Include:

Display Performance

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Portability and Build Quality

Credit: Samsung Odyssey G9

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Is The Neo G9 Worth Buying?

The Samsung Odyssey Neo G9 is the best super-ultrawide monitor ever made…



Overall, it delivers excellent HDR, enhances the contrast fourfold compared to the predecessor, and provides excellent motion clarity at nearly every refresh rate.

The only downside to the Samsung Odyssey New G9 is the price. Yet, if you can look beyond that, the G9 is definitely Nerdable Recommended.

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