6 Rare French Stamps for Collectors

Believe it or not, stamps are a hugely desired commodity in the world of collecting. From vintage stamps to ones with famous people like Elvis Presley, there are stamps for every type of collector. These six rare French stamps would be a great addition to your collection if you have tens of thousands of dollars lying around.
6. SS Pasteur Stamp (1941), $30,000

Our sixth rare French stamp is the SS Pasteur Stamp, which is a great 20th-century rarity issued to commemorate an ocean liner built for Compagnie de Navigation Sud-Atlantique. The stamp was printed in dark blue-green and was designed and engraved by Albert Decaris. One of these stamps was sold for $30,000 at auction in 2017, having a particular error relating to the red surcharge.
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5. 10c Napoleon III Stamp (1852), $40,000

After President Louis Napoleon consolidated power, his portrait replaced the head of Ceres on French stamps starting in 1852. The basic design around the head remained the same though, with the “REPUB FRANC” inscription and the centered profile. One of these stamps was sold at auction in 2013 in New York for $40,000.
4. 25 Centimes Tete-Beche Pair (1850), $72,500

The blue 25-centimes stamp was in use from July 1850 to September 1852. Since the second plate of stamps was not placed in use until 4.3 million stamps had been printed, only about 136 thousand tete-beche pairs survived, but only two unused ones remain to this day. One of these pairs was in the Ferrary collection until they were sold for $72,500 in 2010.
3. 1 Fr Dull Orange Red Ceres Stamp (1849), $75,000

Desired for its deep red hue, our third rare French stamp was sold for $75,000 in 2013 in New York. The orange-red stamp is the scarcest in the Ceres collection, designed by Jacques-Jean Barre. In the center is Ceres, the Roman goddess of growing plants, and was printed in vermillion and carmine.
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2. 10c Bisteron Yellowish Tete-Beche Block (1849), $90,000

Sold by Robert A. Siegel in 2010 for $90,000, the Bisteron block featured nine unused 10c Ceres stamps. The collection dates back to the mid-1850s and showcases the beauty of rare French stamps in great condition. One unique feature of this block is the center stamp, which was arranged upside down compared to the other eight around it.
1. 1 French Light Carmine on Yellowish Tete-Beche (1849), $190,000

The rarest French stamp in the world is the 1 Fr Light Carmine from 1849. It sold at auction in very fine condition for $190,000 by Robert A. Seigel in 2010. This particular stamp is regarded as one of the greatest 1849-1850 Ceres issues ever, featuring the Roman goddess of growing plants.
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