9 Most Expensive Keyboards in the World

most expensive keyboard
Credit: Michelle Ding

Keyboards may seem like just regular plain computer accessories that you don’t give a second thought about. But there are plenty of people out there who spend exorbitant amounts of money on their keyboards. Let us look at the most expensive keyboards out there.

9. Kirameki Pure Gold Keyboard, $360

Credit: Japan Trend Shop

8. Optimus Popularis, $695

Credit: Art. Lebedev Studio

7. Professional II Datahand Keyboard, $700-$1,900

Credit: Wikipedia

6. Maltron Executive Keyboard, $920

Credit: ErgoCanada

5. Datamancer Seafarer Keyboard, $1,200-$1,500

Credit: Datamancer.com

4. DT-2000-IS, $2,200

Credit: iKey

3. Happy Hacking HP Japan, $4,440

Credit: hhkb.io

2. Sui President Aluminum Keyboard, $8,607

Credit: Japan Trend Shop

1. Adata Golden Summoner, $10,000

Credit: YouTube
Alexandria is a News Editor, writer, and reader of all things literature. She graduated from the State University of ... More about Alexandria Wyckoff
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