15 Most Expensive Guns In The World

Most Expensive Guns
Credit: Christies / YouTube

Gun collectors would go crazy for some of the weapons on this list. Not just because they’re the most expensive guns in the world, but because of the stories behind them.

From makers such as Colt, Holland & Holland, Purdey, and Fabbri, from the embellished to the history makers, you’ll find the most expensive guns in the world below.

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Golden Walther PP, $114,000

Golden Walther PP
Credit: Credit: YouTube / Legacy Collectibles

Wyatt Earp’s Colt .45-Caliber Revolver, $225,000

Credit: Sportsman’s Warehouse

Colt Walker, $250,000

Colt Walker 1846
Credit: WikiCommons / Gift of John E. Parsons, 1958 / Metropolitan Museum of Art

The Smith & Wesson that killed Jesse James, $350,000

Smith & Wesson that killed Jesse James
Credit: YouTube / Pawn Stars / The History Channel

Bonnie and Clyde’s Guns, $504,000

Bonnie and Clyde replica car
Credit: WikiCommons / Greyloch / National Museum of Crime & Punishment, Washington, D.C.

Teddy Roosevelt’s Double-barreled Shotgun, $862,500

Teddy Roosevelt’s Double-barreled Shotgun
Credit: YouTube / KAMR Local 4 News / Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum

Texas Ranger Sam Wilson’s Colt Walker, $920,000

Credit: Rock Island Auction

Colt Paterson Revolver, $977,000

Colt Paterson Revolver
Credit: The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Gold-Inlaid Colt Model 1849 Pocket Revolver, $1.1 million

Gold-Inlaid Colt Model 1849 Pocket Revolver
Credit: The Met collection / Creative Commons Zero (CCO)

Million Euro Rifle, $1.18 million

Credit: Guns and Ammo

Millikin Colt Dragoon Revolver, $1.66 million

Millikin Colt Dragoon Revolver
Credit: WikiCommons / Hmaag (talk) /

Simon Bolivar’s Flintlock Pistols, $1.76 million

Simon Bolivar’s Flintlock Pistols
Credit: YouTube / Christie's

George Washington’s Saddle Pistols, $1.98 million

Virginia Washington Monument near the Capitol in Richmond
Credit: WikiCommons / Ron Cogswell / Morgan Riley

Singing Bird Pistols, $5.8 million

Most Expensive Guns
Credit: Christies / YouTube

Pat Garrett’s Colt Single Action Army Used to Kill Billy the Kid, $6.03 million

AI Generated image of Pat Garrett's gun that killed Billy the Kid
Credit: Midjourney / Duane Beckett
Alexandria is a News Editor, writer, and reader of all things literature. She graduated from the State University of ... More about Alexandria Wyckoff

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