6 Weird Facts About Ancient Greece

Greece is one of the most influential cultures. But there are some weird facts about Ancient Greece that you probably haven’t heard before. While their religious beliefs are captivating, and their history is rich, let’s dive into some of the weirder facts about the culture, from their oracles to their practices with newborns.
6. Delphi the Oracle

The most notable oracle in Ancient Greece was Delphi. Many believed the oracle to be the messenger of the Greek god Apollo, the god of light, music, knowledge, harmony, and prophecy. Delphi was a high priestess, or Pythia, who served in the sanctuary of the Greek god Apollo and was regarded as the most powerful woman of the Classical period. Her powers were thought to come from vapors that were released from within the temple, which is now identified as ethylene, a sweet-smelling gas with hallucinogenic properties.
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5. Athletes Covered in Sand

It’s common knowledge that Ancient Greece invented the Olympics, but did you know one of the weird facts about Ancient Greece is that athletes covered their bodies with oil before dusting them with sand? This combination served to protect them from the sun, enhance their grip, and even serve as a good luck charm. This ritual of oil and sand was an integral part of their preparation, symbolizing dedication and discipline.
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4. The Invention of Cheesecake

Cheesecake is a favorite dessert today, but did you know that it was actually invented in Ancient Greece? That’s right, Ancient Greek cheesecakes were made out of flour, wheat, honey, and of course, cheese. These cheesy delicacies were used in wedding traditions and given to competitors in the Olympics to help with energy.
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3. New Borns Were Examined

A common practice that would be seen as utterly bizarre now was their practice of examining newborns. Infant exposure was practiced in various parts of Greece, but especially in Sparta. When a baby is born, they’re inspected for any defects or anything that might deem them as weak. If so, they’re left outdoors in the elements. This would give the baby a chance to show their strength, as Greece wanted the most fit, strong, and notable warriors.
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2. The Invention of Theatre

One of the many weird facts about Ancient Greece is that they invented the theater as we know it today. Greek theater began in the 6th century BCE in Athens with the performance of tragedy plays as religious festivals. Greek comedic plays, especially those by Aristophanes, often used overexaggerated props as well.
1. Military Music

One of the best weird facts about Ancient Greece is their use of music during marches. Spartans were known to march into battle accompanied by the sound of flutes. The music was believed to promote unity and discipline among the troops. This was a unique military tradition that was meant to instill a sense of order and calm during battle.
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