6 Most Interesting Stories Behind Time Capsules

Oldest Most Interesting Stories Behind Time Capsules, Google Commons
Credit: Google Commons

Time capsules offer a glimpse into the past, and there are some interesting stories behind them. Whether they’re unintentional findings from some of the most revered people in history or created for a larger project and purpose, time capsules help us understand more of what has happened and give us hope for what’s to come. 

No matter the story or the intention, if you want to dive into the most interesting stories behind time capsules that have been uncovered, or have just started, then you’re in luck with these six most interesting capsules.

6. The Future Library Capsule

Future Library, Katie Paterson
Credit: Katie Paterson

5. The Expo ‘70 Time Capsule

The Expo, Wiki Commons
Credit: Wiki Commons

4. The Helium Time Capsule

Helium Monument, Google Commons
Credit: Google Commons

3. The Opera Vault

The Opera House, Wiki Commons
Credit: Wiki Commons

2. The Oldest Known Time Capsule

Oldest Most Interesting Stories Behind Time Capsules, Google Commons
Credit: Google Commons

1. The 1876 Century Safe

The Century Safe, History.com
Credit: History.com
Nikole Stewart is a writer and editor with three years of experience writing keen articles on topics such as ... More about Nikole Stewart
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