6 Forgotten Battles That Changed the Course of History

forgotten battles
Credit: Wikipedia

There have been numerous battles throughout history for the biggest and smallest disputes. While some of these battles get remembered in history, others fall to the wayside, even though they have important significance to greater wars and regions they are held in. Below are six forgotten battles that changed the course of history, from the Battle of Ain Jalut to the Battle of Marathon.

6. Battle of Tours, 732 AD

Credit: Britannica

5. Battle of Poltava, 1709 AD

Credit: Wikipedia

4. Battle of Thermopylae, 480 BC

Credit: National Geographic

3. Battle of Marathon, 490 BC

forgotten battles
Credit: Wikipedia

2. Battle of Talas, 751 AD

Credit: Ancient Origins

1. Battle of Ain Jalut, 1260 AD

Credit: Pinterest
Alexandria is a News Editor, writer, and reader of all things literature. She graduated from the State University of ... More about Alexandria Wyckoff
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