5 Weird Facts About Pigs

Pigs are a common barnyard animal that you would see on a farm. But they also have grown in popularity as pets. Their friendly personality and adorable characteristics have made them even more lovable and popular over the years. But what are some weird facts about pigs that you might not know?
Whether you’re looking to get a big for your farm or might want to introduce a piglet to your family, there are some interesting facts to know first. From their level of intelligence to the way they sense the world, here are some of the best weird facts about pigs.
5. They’re Very Smart

It’s shocking when some animals are smarter than others. Like dolphins, you might not realize just how smart an animal is. Apparently, pigs are also incredibly intelligent. They actually consistently rank between the top 4th and 7th smartest animals on Earth. They not only have a great memory, but they learn quickly too. Some pigs can even be trained, much like a dog or a cat.
Their ability to problem-solve has been documented as well. There was even a study back in the 1990s of a pig learning how to move a cursor around on a video game with just their snouts and being able to distinguish between scribbles they knew and the ones they saw for the first time. They are also emotionally intelligent creatures as well because of their social capabilities and desire for communication.
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4. They’re Also Very Clean

Yep, you read that right. Pigs are actually one of the cleanest animals. One of the best weird facts about pigs is actually a bit sad. Pigs have a bad reputation for being gross, smelly animals, but that’s not actually the case. Pigs lack sweat glands, so they don’t really have to give off a smell. The only reason they smell is because they roll around in the mud to cool off their bodies and prevent themselves from getting sunburns, and to deter insect infestations.
But why do they usually smell so much? Mostly because of their living style. If they had enough room, they would keep their distance from waste. But they’re often confined in smaller spaces, making them roll around in mud, which has other waste additives, that cause them to smell horrendous.
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3. Plus They’re Friendly

Ever seen videos of piglets in a home as a pet? Well, that’s not really surprising, given that pigs are one of the friendliest animals. Another one of the weirdest facts about pigs that draws them into the homes of many families is that they’re quite peaceful and kind.
They rarely show aggression, unless their young are threatened, making them great for humans. They love getting attention from humans, especially when it comes to scratches and pets and enjoy playing. Similar to dogs, they mock fights with one another to play and form close bonds with other animals and humans, and even enjoy cuddling or lying down with others.
2. They Love Singing

One of the best weird facts about pigs is that they enjoy singing. It’s also one of the sweetest facts, as mothers tend to sing to their babies while nursing. Newborn piglets learn to run toward their mothers’ voices, and since they constantly communicate, it’s a way to learn where to go and feel comfort.
Pigs have more than 20 distinct grunts and squeals that range from expressing hunger to mating. And speaking of communicating, did you know that a pig’s squeal can reach up to 115 decibels? That’s almost as loud as a typical rock concert.
1. They Have a Great Sense of Smell

Pigs don’t have the greatest eyesight, but what they can’t see, they make up in their sense of smell. In fact, they are some of the best barnyard animals based on their sense of smell. One weird fact about pigs is that the large round disk of cartilage at their nose is connected to muscles that give it extra flexibility and strength when rooting in the ground.
Because of this, they can disturb the soil, not only helping the ecosystem when it comes to planting seeds, but they can smell 25 feet underground. This is a huge help, not only to humans but to law enforcement. Just like dogs sniffing out drugs, pigs can help sniff out valuable items as well. This helps pigs dig out truffles, sniff out predators, sniff out food, and just sniff what’s around them since they can’t see very well.
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