7 Smartest Animals in the World

smartest animals
Credit: Getty Images

While humans may think we are the smartest creatures in the world, several other species are just as intelligent or even more so. From on land to underwater, these animals know how to communicate, locate danger, and outsmart predators every day. Check out these seven smartest animals in the world, and how they prove their intelligence to survive.

7. Gorillas

Credit: Mandy Henry

6. Wolves

Credit: Getty Images

5. Crows

Credit: Kasturi Roy

4. Elephants

Credit: Getty Images

3. Dolphins

Credit: Tahlia Cohen

2. Chimpanzees

Credit: Getty Images

1. Humans

Credit: Timur Isachenko
Alexandria is a News Editor, writer, and reader of all things literature. She graduated from the State University of ... More about Alexandria Wyckoff
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