What’s America’s Biggest River?

Rivers run throughout the world, but some are a lot longer than others. While the North America biggest river may differ from the South America biggest river, there is no denying the amount of ground they cover, meandering across state and country lines. Keep reading to learn about America’s biggest river and how many states the water crosses into, along with other long rivers.
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How Do they Measure a River’s Length?
While it may seem easy to measure a river’s length at first, several factors can make it difficult, including pinpointing the exact beginning and end and the length changing over time due to dams and deltas. When researchers decide to measure a river, they chart the distance along the river channel from the source to a given point or outlet. This can be completed in three different ways:
- Maps: Measuring the length along the geometrical axis, or line of maximum depth, on a large-scale map.
- Aerial Photographs: Measuring the length from aerial photographs.
- Satellite Data: Using Landsat series satellite data to measure the length of rivers.
Rivers, like America’s biggest river, are measured in miles or kilometers depending on the country. They start at the mouth of the river and increase the distance as researchers measure upstream.
America’s Biggest River

So, what is America’s biggest river? After a slight debate between scientists, the title goes to the Missouri River, according to the USGS. The Missouri River measures an impressive 2,540 miles long from its source in the Rocky Mountains, through seven states (Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, and Missouri), before converging with the Mississippi around St. Louis.
The Missouri River’s watershed totals more than 525,000 square miles, providing essential water to numerous local plant and animal species. The watershed covers parts of ten U.S. states and two Canadian provinces, and when combined with the lower Mississippi, it forms the world’s fourth-longest river system.
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Other Big Rivers in America
Several other rivers come close to the Missouri but do not take the crown of America’s biggest river. Check out these other long rivers that flow through the United States below:
- Mississippi River (2,340 miles)
- Yukon River (1,980 miles)
- Rio Grande (1,900 miles)
- Arkansas River (1,469 miles)
What is the Widest River in America?
While rivers do not stay the same width throughout, some sections can get quite wide. The widest river in America is the Mississippi, with the widest part located at Lake Winnibigoshish near Bena, Minnesota, over 11 miles wide. While other rivers can get wider while flooded, the Mississippi River’s average width and discharge take the crown.
What is the Deepest River in America?

While the Missouri River is America’s biggest river, the deepest river in the United States is farther to the east. The Hudson River reaches depths of over 200 feet in some areas, particularly in the New York City region, taking the title of the deepest river. The Hudson flows from Lake Tear of the Clouds in the Adirondack Mountains to the Atlantic Ocean, passing through New York City.
The river’s depth was a huge advantage when it came to trade and transportation in the past, becoming a crucial waterway in colonial times, and has since played an integral role in the economy of New York State. The depth allows large ships to navigate the river, increasing commercial shipping and transportation.
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The Longest River in the World
The Missouri River’s length is quite impressive at over 2,500 miles long, but the longest river in the world stretches over 4,100 miles. Earning the title with an official 4,160 miles in length, the Nile River starts in Lake Victoria in east central Africa. Though the title has been disputed between the Nile and the Amazon, a study in the International Journal of Digital Earth determined the Nile to be slightly longer. The Nile River has two main tributaries, the White Nile and the Blue Nile, which meet in Khartoum, Sudan.
In Conclusion
Rivers constantly shift and flow, making their length sometimes hard to measure. Thankfully, there are several ways researchers can determine which one is the longest, whether that’s the North America biggest river, the South America biggest river, or even the world’s biggest river. As the Earth continues to change, a different river might move into the number one spot, but for now, America’s biggest river is the Missouri.
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