5 Best Cards Against Humanity Packs

Best Cards Against Humanity Pack
Credit: pxhere.com

Cards Against Humanity is without a doubt one of the best games on the market. It is social, hilarious, and uncomfortable enough to make family members walk away in disgust.

However, the big question is, what are the best Cards Against Humanity packs to buy? Find out below:

WARNING: The cards shown in the videos below are not suitable for work.

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5. World Wide Web Pack, $6

Manufacturer’s statement: The Internet is one of Al Gore’s most significant innovations, despite widespread misinformation and terrible filth.

This pack was written in a Reddit AMA with contributions from many people. So you can imagine it contains some serious craziness.

The pack includes 21 white cards and 9 black cards. All money raised from these cards goes to The Electronic Frontier Foundation.

You can pick this pack up on Amazon.com for $6.

4. Design Pack, $9

In this pack, you’ll get 30 brilliantly illustrated cards. Including illustrations by some of the world’s best graphic designers:

From Milton Glaser (I 3 NY) to Susan Kare (Apple Macintosh), Erik Spiekermann (MetaDesign), and iconic printmakers Jay Ryan, Yann Legendre, Olly Moss, Mike Mitchell, and Sonnenzimmer.

Plus, The Chicago Design Museum receives 100% of the revenues.

You can pick up this expansion pack for $9 on Amazon.com.

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3. The Geek Pack, $5

If like us, you are a major nerd, this pack is for you. Card topics include video games, D&D, Game of Thrones, and much more.

Manufacturer’s Statement: Branded references are something that nerds adore. Do you recall Batman? What about Firefly?

The pack includes 24 white cards and 6 black cards. It costs $5 from Amazon.com.

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2. Sci-Fi Pack, $11

If you’re worried about humanity’s future with technology, this is the pack for you:

Written by famous authors, including Pat Rothfuss, who penned The Kingkiller Chronicle won him several awards, including the 2007 Quill Award.

The expansion pack includes 30 cards and costs $11 on Amazon.com.

1. 90s Nostalgia Pack, $5

If you were a teen in the ’90s, this is the expansion pack for you. Including one-liners like “don’t have a cow, man!”:

This Cards Against Humanity pack includes 23 white and 7 black cards. It is available on Amazon.com for just $5.

Bonus: College Pack, $7

If like us you went to college 20 years ago, this pack could bring back fond memories:

The manufacturer writes: Remember how you used to eat ramen noodles and had sex all the time in college? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to go back in time and relive those glorious days?

This pack includes 30 cards to expand your game, and even comes complete with a huge (18″x24″) poster. Find out more about this pack on Amazon.

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