12 Weird History Facts You Weren’t Taught in School

weird history facts
Credit: Chris Lawton

History is a huge part of our world, whether it concerns a whole country, a state, or even a few people. In school, we are taught the main points of history from World Wars to presidential elections, but some parts of history do not appear in your textbooks. If you’re curious about our world’s past, check out our twelve weird history facts proven to leave your mind spinning.

12. The University of Oxford predates the Aztec Empire

Credit: Sandip Roy

11. The use of forks was once considered sacrilegious

Credit: Sandy Millar

10. There’s a virtually intact 2,400 year-old ship at the bottom of the Black Sea

Credit: Orbtal Media

9. Edgar Allan Poe’s book The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket happened in real life

Credit: Laura Chouette

8. Since 1945 all British tanks have been equipped with tea making equipment

Credit: Eric Feng

7. The longest war was between the Netherlands and the Isles of Scilly for 335 years

Credit: Thomas Bormans

6. Hitler and his army relied on drugs to fight during WWII

Credit: Duncan Kidd

5. One of the most feared and respected pirates in history was a Chinese prostitute named Ching Shih

Credit: Elena Theodoridou

4. When Israel was first formed, Einstein was offered the presidency but he declined

Credit: Maks Key

3. The U.S. government tried to induce rain by bombing clouds

Credit: Pero Kalimero

2. The Roman Empire used gladiator blood to treat epilepsy

Credit: Mauricio Artieda

1. Victorians ate arsenic to make their complexion paler

Credit: Karsten Winegeart

Alexandria is a News Editor, writer, and reader of all things literature. She graduated from the State University of... More about Alexandria Wyckoff

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