5 Famous Lost Pirate Treasures

lost pirate treasures
Credit: Nadjib BR

Pillaging the seven seas, pirates gained a lot of treasure over the years to add to their stockpiles. While some of this gold and jewels were eventually found, some lost pirate treasures are still lost to the waves. If you’ve ever wondered what treasures are still lost and who they belonged to in the past, keep reading for the top five famous lost pirate treasures today.

5. Treasures of Lima

Credit: World History Encyclopedia

4. The Hand of Gasparilla

Credit: David Dibert

3. Whydah Galley Treasure

Credit: Wikimedia Commons

2. Captain William Kidd’s Treasure

Credit: Hector John Periquin

1. Blackbeard’s Treasure

Credit: Unsplash
Alexandria is a News Editor, writer, and reader of all things literature. She graduated from the State University of ... More about Alexandria Wyckoff
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