What’s the Oldest Dog Breed on Record

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Dogs are known as man’s best friend. They’re loyal, intelligent, and one of the best companions you can have for any adventure. Depending on your lifestyle, you can find the perfect breed to match. More active than most? Border collies would love to join you for hikes. Love to lounge around the house? Mastiffs and basset hounds will take long naps with you.

With so many breeds and personalities, you might wonder what the oldest dog breed in the world is. The relationship between humans and dogs was believed to have started between 18,000 to 32,100 years ago when a group of wolves made contact with Europeans. So which ones are the oldest dog breeds that were first in contact with humans? 

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What’s the Most Popular Dog Breed?

french bulldog, Unsplash

The oldest dog breeds have shown their loyalty and intelligence throughout history. Before we dive into the oldest breeds, let’s find out the most common breeds for homes. While this changes yearly based on what families adopt, there are common breeds that tend to be more popular than others.

For instance, the American Kennel Club compiled data for 2023 that showed the French Bulldog was actually the most popular breed adopted. The Labrador Retriever was second on the list, which once had a 31-year-run of being in the first position. Golden Retriever, German Shepherds, and Poodles came up from third to fifth spot respectively.

What’s The Newest Dog Breed?

Lancashire Heelers, AKC

While we have the oldest dog breed in history, we also have breeds that are constantly being accepted into the American Kennel Club as new breeds. It might take years to decades for breeds to be accepted.

One of the newest ones of 2024 according to the AKC is the Lancashire Heelers. They’re smaller dogs with the heart and mind of a heeer. They are the 201st recognized breed and the newest addition to the Herding Group.

The Oldest Dog Breeds

6. Saluki 

Saluki Wiki Commons
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Saluki are from Egypt with dates going back as far as 329 B.C. These hounds are known for their speed and are often seen in racing shows. Some of the fastest Saluki dogs have been as high as 35 miles per hour, making them a worthwhile breed for racers.

These sighthounds were typically used by nomadic tribes for hunting due to their speed, often going after squirrels, goats, otters, foxes, raccoons, and even deer. They’re a powerful breed and one of the oldest dog breeds in the world. 

5. Samoyed

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Samoyed originate from Siberia, and are one of the oldest dog breeds, coming in at around 1000 B.C. They were originally bred for hunting, herding, and pulling sleds for the Samoyede people of northwestern Siberia.

But they were first brought to England in the 1800s, with one being gifted to Queen Alexandra, who promoted the breed extensively, which caused the breed to gain popularity. Samoyeds are known for being intelligent, playful, and extremely loyal, making them one of the best breeds for families. 

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4. Alaskan Malamute

Alaskan_Malamute Wiki Commons
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One of the oldest dog breeds is the Alaskan Malamute which originated from Alaska’s Norton Sound region and might often be confused with Huskies. However, Alaskan Malamutes are larger and stronger, and while both breeds were bred for pulling sleds, Malamutes are seen as the stronger breed of the two.

It’s believed that Malamutes were around about 1000 B.C. Not only do they pull sleds, but they’re also great at hunting prey with a high prey drive. Even so, they’re known for being kind and one of the best breeds for families. 

3. Afghan Hound 

Afghan Hound Wiki Commons
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As their name suggests, Afghan hounds originated from Afghanistan and were thought to trace back to at least 8000 B.C. but of course, like the rest, it’s hard to nail down the specific year. These ancient pups are related to the Saluki and were originally used for hunting large prey in both mountains and deserts.

In the 1800s, the breed was brought to England and was one of the earliest dog breeds to be shown off by the U.K. Kennel Club. They’re known for their long fur and exotic looks and are often more independent than relying on human interaction. 

2. Basenji

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Basenji is one of the oldest dog breeds with an origin in Central Africa. There have been cave paintings that date back to 6000 B.C. that depict the breed as a hunting dog. The breed is known for being curious and ‘barkless’. While they don’t omit barking sounds, they can still growl and whine.

These high-energetic dogs require a lot of exercise, with an inactive Basenji becoming destructive to let out some of that energy. These pups are so curious and high-energy that they can often climb and have no problem getting over fences. 

1. Akita Inu 

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Also known as Shiba Inu, were believed to be traced back to 8,000 B.C., making the Akita Inu the oldest dog breed in the world. They’re originally from Japan and are named after the Akita prefecture, the northernmost area of Japan’s main island.

They’re known for being loyal, affectionate, and intelligent. They’re so loyal that a story has been told for years about Hachiko, the Inu who waited for his master to come home every day at the same train station, even after he passed away. His story lives on through a bronze statue that was built in 1934 to honor him. 

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