7 Weird Facts About Great White Sharks

Great white sharks are one of the top predators in the ocean. These terrifying creatures are feared by many and have a terrifying reputation around them. But did you know some of these weird facts about great white sharks that might make you reconsider how fearful they are? Whether you want to understand them more or have a love for these marine creatures, these are some of the top weird facts about great white sharks that might surprise you.
7. Great White’s Can’t Live in Captivity

As bad as zoos and aquariums are to animals and fish, it is exciting to see wildlife so close. And as much as most of us aren’t a fan of these buildings, most of us have gone a time or two just to learn and awe at the magnificent creatures.
One of the many weird facts about great white sharks is that they can’t survive in captivity. In 2016, Japan’s Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium tried to keep a great white shark, however, the shark quickly became disoriented, banging into the walls of the enclosure. It didn’t eat while in there and died only three days after being there.
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6. They’re Great At Hiding

Of course, being a predator, you have to be good at sneaking up on your prey so as to not scare them away. And great white sharks, they are amazing at hiding. Even though they’re large creatures, they tend to swim along the surface of the water, like sea lions and seals. The top half of their body is gray, allowing them to blend in with the rocky sea floor beneath them.
This way the seals swimming near the water’s surface can’t see that sharks are stalking right below them. Along with this, the bottom half of a great white shark’s body is white and blends in with the sunlight on the surface of the water, allowing them to sneak up on prey below them as well. Their coloration is the perfect camouflage when hunting!
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5. But They’re Actually Not Fatal to Humans

One of the best weird facts about great white sharks is that they’re not fatal to humans, unlike the stereotype suggests. Sharks are one of the most common fears for those who are at that beach. But while they used to be the number one danger to those around beaches, it’s been proven that it’s not that common.
Of course, shark attacks do happen from time to time, it’s not likely that you’ll be one of them. Most of the time great whites will take a “test-bite”, or a quick nibble to see if you’re food. But once they realize that they’re consuming human flesh, they’ll leave. It’s the other way around, as humans are one of the leading causes of great white shark deaths, as they’re usually hunted for their fins and teeth.
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4. And They’re Not a Fan of Conflict Either

Another one of the best weird facts about great white sharks is that the top predator in the ocean doesn’t like conflict. Rather than engaging in aggressive behavior, they tend to establish a social hierarchy based on size.
Generally, the larger ones dominate over the smaller ones, and females tend to dominate the males. If sharks end up coming to the same spot for feeding, they’ll simply swim past one another, slapping the water with their tails along the way. Whoever slaps the most and hardest wins the meal.
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3. Great White’s Can Control Their Body Temperature

Controlling your body temperature sounds like a dream. And the great white shark has that amazing ability! The shark can actively regulate their internal temperature and can even reach 20 degrees higher than their surrounding environment. They do this through the arrangement of blood vessels.
It can happen when cold oxygenated blood enters through the gills and passes by warm deoxygenated blood vessels. Thermoregulation is vital for sharks due to its predatory nature. If they’re cold, their reactions slow down. It’s vital to keep a regulated body so they’re always active and alert.
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2. And Can Sense Electrical Pulses In the Water

It’s well-known that sharks have an amazing sense of smell. The smell is important for survival because they can not only smell prey but predators and mates as well. Sharks can detect the blood of prey from a huge distance, with one part of the blood to two million parts of water. That’s equal to one teaspoon in an average-sized swimming pool!
But one of the many great, yet weird facts about great white sharks is their ability to use electroreception. Electroreception means the ability to detect electrical currents, and electricity moves away from bodies, like fish bodies, in salt water due to sodium and chlorine ions. This allows them to hone in on pretty with deadly accuracy.
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1. Great White’s Play a Special Role in the Ecosystem

When you think about the great white sharks, you probably think of them as predators. And most of us would get a bit sad thinking about the circle of life and the fact that they hunt little critters. But they hold a vital role in marine ecosystems. Great whites are the top predators in the ocean, above killer whales, and play a vital role in keeping prey populations like elephant seals and sea lions balanced in the ecosystem.
The presence of great white sharks ultimately increases species stability and the diversity of the ocean. To put it simply, if the great white shark wasn’t around to kill the sea lions and elephant seals, then more prey population would dwindle. The top predator taking out smaller predators keeps everything in balance.
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