7 Birds That Can’t Fly

When you think of animals that can fly, you probably think of hawks, robins, eagles, crows, and more. But what about the birds that can’t fly?
They deserve recognition as well, even if they don’t share the same characteristics with their fellow species. From penguins to ostriches, these are the most iconic birds that can’t fly, and why they’re forever stuck on land.
7. Campbell Teal

Ducks are a common bird that can fly, but that’s not the same for Campbell Teal’s. These small, nocturnal ducks were actually driven to extinction on Campbell Island with the introduction of Norway rats, who commonly ate their chicks and eggs.
But in 1975, Campbell Teal was rediscovered on Dent Island, a small islet near Campbell Island that lives rat-free.
6. Ostrich

Ostriches are a commonly known bird, especially due to their inability to fly. These large birds lack the pure strength it would take to lift them in the air, let alone soar. Standing at an outrageously 9 feet tall and weighing around 300 pounds, these are the largest birds in the world.
Comparatively, their wings are also incredibly small to their body, and they’re mainly used for balance and maneuvering when running.
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5. Takahe

Indigenous to New Zealand, Takahes were hunted exclusively by an indigenous Polynesian tribe called the Maori. They were thought to be extinct by 1898, but after much research, they were captured on the South Island.
These colorful birds can’t fly, however, even though they stand out amongst the crowd with bright blue and green plumage. They also have remarkable longevity, living up to 20 years. Through evolution, they’ve become larger and have less use for their wings, making them flightless.
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4. Weka

Wekas are indigenous to New Zealand, like so many other birds that can’t fly, and are the only living members of the genus Gallirallus. These birds are sturdy and are the size of a chicken.
These birds are famously feisty and curious, but due to the weakness of their muscles, they no longer have the ability to liftoff. Even so, these loud birds are known for being thieves by stealing food and small objects that they like and are incredibly skilled swimmers to help them travel.
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3. Penguin

One of the most iconic birds that can’t fly is the penguin. These adorable, tuxedo-wearing animals are unable to live off the ground. Interestingly enough, they’re much better at swimming and diving, with their wings acting more like fins.
Scientists believe that penguins can’t fly because there are little threats, so they don’t need to fly to escape, and can simply slide or swim away. They have short legs and a stocky build and are commonly associated with Antarctica, with most species living in high latitudes.
One of the most beloved facts about penguins is their romantic tendencies, as they choose the same mate each season and offer rocks to show their love.
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2. Streamer Duck

Another one of the many birds that can’t fly is the steamer duck, another duck species. While they have wings, they’re rather short and they’re simply too heavy to liftoff. But that doesn’t mean they can’t move.
These South American ducks earned their amazing name by running across the water by thrashing their wings like wheels on a steamboat, an interesting technique. These ducks are also famously aggressive and are known for their bloody, epic battles with one another over territory.
1. Kiwi

Kiwis are adorable, and there are five species of them around New Zealand. The brown chicken-sized birds can’t fly, even though they have wings. Interestingly, unlike other birds, kiwis have nostrils on the tip of their bills instead of their bad, making them admirable to researchers.
Even though they’re relatively smaller compared to other flightless birds, through evolution, they didn’t have the need to fly, making them lose their ability. They no longer have the strength in their muscles.
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