6 Weird Living Room Furniture You Can’t Unsee

Every house has a room that everyone gravitates towards, and for many, it’s the living room. Having a comfortable and cozy living room helps you destress from a long day.
While many resort to common decorations from minimalistic designs or bold colors, some of us enjoy wacky, or straight weird living room furniture that turns heads when they walk in. If the latter is you, then get ready to see some of these bizarre pieces of living room furniture, from tables that look like food to chairs in the shape of hands.
6. Weird Flower Vase

While pretty useful for those who want to display a few bouquets of flowers at once, it’s just an odd piece of furniture to have.
This unusual flower vase was made around the 1910s and has a wacky design of glass leaves bending away from two flower bulbs that hold your bouquet. It’s flower-seption, with a large flower holding your real flowers. Either way, you look at it, it’s weird living room furniture if you enjoy displaying botanicals in your home.
Read More: Pieces of Weird Furniture You Can’t Unsee
5. Palm Tree Lamp

Make your living room a bit more tropical with this wild lamp. The light gives a beautiful warm glow for a cozy living room experience, but the lamp itself is designed in a funky way.
The stand is designed to be like bamboo, with the top featuring green and gold leaves. At the very top is the light, illuminating the room nicely. If you enjoy collecting art pieces, this is a great time but is a bit weird to have in your living room.
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4. Hand Chair

Living rooms are where we can sit and watch a favorite show or chat with the company. But sometimes all you need is a wacky piece of furniture to start a conversation, and this Neon Hand Chair is the perfect option.
Not only is the bright pink or green dangerous to eyes in the sunlight, but its shape is almost intimidating. Guests can rest their weary bodies in the palm of a plastic hand, resting their back on detailed fingers that hold them steady. It’s an odd piece for sure.
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3. Antique Antler Couch

Speaking of unusual places to sit down, we have to talk about this weird couch. It’s definitely a work of art with the details, but it’s not something you would want in your home. This is an antique couch from Germany and is made with antlers.
There are cushions and embroidered designs, but the rest of it is made of antlers. This could be a great find for the hunter in your life who wants to decorate their hunting cabin, but other than that, it’s a weird living room furniture item that might creep people out.
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2. Pancake Coffee Table

There’s never a bad time for a good stack of pancakes, but even pancake and breakfast lovers have to admit that having a table dedicated to the cuisine is a bit over the top. For those who are looking for weird living room furniture, then this is a great option for you.
The Pancake Table is the perfect centerpiece around the couches to rest your feet or set a glass down. It’s made out of resin so it’s sturdy. The details are insane, from the golden shades on each side of the flapjack to the syrup-like drippings running down the sides. It’s a playful, yet weird living room furniture.
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1. Metal Side Table

The last piece of weird living room furniture that makes no sense is this side table by Michael Gittings. While definitely an art piece, it’s meant to be used as a holder in living rooms.
The art piece is made out of stainless steel and looks like twisted metal with two flat spots at the top. Not only does this look rickety for actual use, but the design is just wacky to have in a living room.
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