The 6 Most Sought-After Video Game Collectibles

Rare Video Game Collectibles Unsplash
Credit: Unsplash

Being a collector is not for the faint of heart. It’s a lot of time-consuming searching to come across something so rare and valuable. It also costs a lot of money. For gamers, some rare video game collectibles cost a fortune and are hard to find. Whether they end up in garage sales down the road, thrift stores, or on eBay for an outrageous price, these collectibles are worth the wait and hunt. If you’re a die-hard gamer who wants to start a collection, look towards the most sought-after video game collectibles like these.

6. Link Statue

Link Statue, Zelda Dungeon
Credit: Zelda Dungeon

5. PlayStation 10 Million Model

PlayStation Model Price Charting
Credit: Price Charting

4. Birthday Made-to-Order Games

Birthday Mania Fandom
Credit: Fandom

3. Swordquest Memorabilia

Swordquest Memorabilia Atari Archive
Credit: Atari Archive

2. Nintendo World Championship Cartridges

Gold World Championship Cartridges eBay
Credit: eBay

1. Gamma Attack

Gamma Attack Atari Mania
Credit: Atari Mania
Nikole Stewart is a writer and editor with three years of experience writing keen articles on topics such as ... More about Nikole Stewart
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