7 Shortest Flights That Exist in the World

shortest flights
Credit: Aleksei Zaitcev

Flying on a plane often makes long distances feel much shorter, with only hours instead of days or weeks traveling by other vehicles. But, some flights are exceptionally short. Whether this is due to location or land formations, the shortest flights in the world easily dip under the one-hour mark. Keep reading for the seven shortest flights, located all over the world.

7. Saba to St. Maarten (20 minutes)

Credit: Robin Canfield

6. St. Martin to St. Barthelemy (15 minutes)

Credit: Alexa Kayman

5. Karpathos to Kasos (10 minutes)

Credit: Michael Mitrakos

4. St. Maarten to Anguilla (7-10 minutes)

Credit: Cory Bjork

3. Connemara to Inisheer (6-10 minutes)

Credit: Ulrike R. Donohue

2. Minami-Daito to Kitadaito (3 minutes)

Credit: Pratik Bisht

1. Westray to Papa Westray (1-2 minutes)

Credit: Murilo Gomes
Alexandria is a News Editor, writer, and reader of all things literature. She graduated from the State University of ... More about Alexandria Wyckoff
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