6 Rare Houseplants Everyone Wants to Find

rare houseplants
Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Many people all over the world adore rare houseplants and the vibrant, dynamic energy they can add to your living space. However, there’s a distinction between people who take plant collecting seriously and the casual houseplant owner who visits the neighborhood nursery and chooses a few classic rare houseplants to bring home and take care of.

More people are interested in finding and adding to their collections of the more unusual, rare, and specialty hybrid plants that are available on the market as houseplants become more commonplace and well-liked. These include variegated versions of classic houseplants, hard-to-grow succulents, and foliage with striking colors.

These plants can cost hundreds of dollars each, and some of them require a lot of care to keep healthy. Have a look at this list of some of the most well-liked rare houseplants and the maintenance they need before deciding to buy an expensive and rare plant.

Also Read: 10 Most Expensive Houses in the World

6. Variegated Monstera Deliciosa

rare houseplants- monstera
Credit: Unsplash

5. Rare Philodendrons

rare houseplants- philodendron
Credit: Unsplash

4. Variegated Syngonium

rare houseplants- syngonium
Credit: Unsplash

3. Pseudolithos cubiformis

rare houseplants- pseudolithos cubiformis
Credit: Wikimedia Commons

2. Musa Aeae

rare houseplants- musa aeae
Credit: Wikimedia Commons

1. Anthurium Warocqueanum – Rare Houseplants

Credit: Unsplash
Ella is a digital content intern who loves writing about entertainment, media, technology, and culture. She is a recent ... More about Ella Burch
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