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Weird Facts About Ancient Greece Unsplash
You need to learn about these weird facts about Ancient Greece, like their invention of theatre and cheesecake.
forgotten battles
Learn more about six forgotten battles that changed the course of history, from the Battle of Ain Jalut to the…
famous historical couples
These are ten of the most famous historical couples throughout time, from Kings and Queens to civil rights activists and…
Ancient Artifacts Unsplash
Ancient artifacts tell the story of humanity. How we evolved technologically, spiritually, and emotionally. And sometimes, the truth is unexplainable.
creepy abandoned places
While buildings fall into disrepair all the time, there is something about creepy abandoned places that cast another light. Click…
Best Ancient Greek Temples Unsplash
Need your next travel destination? Then explore some of the best Ancient Greek temples around the world.
Strange Presidential Pets Unsplash
While you cuddle your puppy or kitten, check out these strange presidential pets throughout history, from alligators to raccoons.
forgotten inventors
Below are seven forgotten inventors who never got the credit they deserved, whether it was due to lack of clout,…
old world maps
Examining these old world maps offers insight into the intellectual milieu of their periods as well as the evolution of…
historical buildings
If you want to learn more about six historical buildings with the strangest backstories from death to a mental asylum,…
Best Preserved Shipwrecks From Around the World Unsplash
Finding intact artifacts offers us a glimpse into the past, like some of the best preserved shipwrecks from around the…
Forgotten Royal Scandals, Unsplash
Ever wanted to learn about scandals throughout history? Then check out these forgotten royal scandals that shocked the world.
oddest jobs in ancient history
Providing an interesting glimpse into the past, take a moment and delve into these seven oddest jobs people had in…
Most Expensive Colleges in America, Unsplash
Tuition is rising every year, but if you're planning on attending these most expensive colleges, then it's time to start…
infamous heists
Keep reading to learn about six of these infamous heists and what makes them so unforgettable, from meticulous planning to…
Ancient Rome Facts, Unsplash
Explore more about our history by learning these interesting and strange Ancient Rome facts, from where they lived to how…
Valuable Artifacts From the Middle Ages Unsplash
Learn more about the Medieval period by checking out the most valuable and important artifacts from the Middle Ages.
Weird Facts About Video Games Unsplash
Want to impress your gamer friends? Then tell them a few of these weird facts about video games.
historical myths
If you want to dive into historical myths and learn the true story behind these historical events, keep reading for…
simple inventions that changed the world
Whether it's centered around transportation, medicine, or machinery, these six simple inventions that changed the world are worth exploring.
weird dinosaur facts
Split into avian and non-avian dinosaurs, there is plenty to learn about these ancient creatures, including these six weird dinosaur…
greatest sci-fi writers
These are the seven greatest sci-fi writers today who helped shape the genre and won numerous awards, from Arthur C.…
Strangest Days in Human History Sickness Unsplash
Human history is full of head-scratching and unexplainable moments. And from the archives of time, these are the top ten…
Forgotten Historical Inventions, Unsplash
Learn about the forgotten historical inventions that shaped our world but were overshadowed by new inventions.