The Ultimate Squishmallow Birthdays List 2023

Are you having trouble finding something worthwhile to collect? Maybe you don’t find joy in finding sports or game cards, or maybe the regular dolls and action figures aren’t cutting it? If you’re like me, then you’d rather opt for a softer, plushier collection. I’ve been collecting stuffed animals since I was little and have several boxes and bags full of stuffed animals and toys that I’ve had since I was a kid.
Once such toy that has piqued my interest are Squishmallows. Squishmallows are a brand of anthropomorphic stuffed toys that launched 2017 by Kelly Toys Holdings, and there are currently over 1,000 of them. And like many lines of collectibles, these have unique personalities and identities, with several coming with their own birthdays. Not only are you able to collect these unique toys, but you can collect them by the Squishmallow birthdays listed on their tags.
This not only makes these toys a bit more personalized, but it can help you begin your collection if you just want to find one for each birthday. And thankfully, Kelly Toys Holdings are still producing this squishy plushies, with several hoping to release this year. So, if you want to start collecting and want to know their birthdays, then this is a complete Squishmallow birthdays list.
RELATED: Why Are People Obsessed with the Tuluck Squishmallow?
How to Find Our Your Squishmallow’s Birthday?
While Squishmallow’s don’t necessarily have their own birthday exactly, they do have a Squishdate, which is a date listed on their tag, and are seen as kind of random dates set somewhere within a few months to a year before the Squishmallow originally first hit store shelves.
These dates serve to add more unique features to each character that you can collect, and while some believe there isn’t really a meaning, a lot of people interpret this date as essentially their birthday. There are also different dates given to different editions, for example Connor and Fuzzy Connor have different dates, making it completely unique to each character.
What Is the Oldest Squishmallow?
Cam the Calico Cat is the oldest Squishmallow and the first, releasing in 2017 by the Kellytoy company along with seven other Squishmallow. While he is the first and oldest, he is not rare nor expensive, so you’re able to find and purchase him easily if you want to start your collection.
Squishmallow Birthdays List
- Bertie the Ice Cream Waffle, 1/3/2022
- Blyne the Cupcake, 1/3/2023
- Hal the Dinosaur, 1/3/2022
- Marsha the Peppermint Hot Chocolate, 1/3/2022
- Oakley the Wolf, 1/3/2022
- Karina the Cat, 1/4/2018
- Gildie the Spider Witch, 1/5/2022
- Keanu the Camo Dragon, 1/5/2021
- Pike the Christmas Tree, 1/5/2023
- Androu the Squirrel, 1/6/2022
- Cherleen the Strawberry, 1/6/2022
- MaryBeth the Octopus, 1/6/2022
- Mitchie the Dragon, 1/6/2022
- Pierre the Snake, 1/6/2022
- Sel the Giraffe, 1/6/2022
- Tula the Bear, 1/6/2021
- Vanessa the Red Panda, 1/6/2021
- Amor the Unicorn, 1/7/2021
- Baiden the Dragon, 1/7/2021
- Maisha the Beaver, 1/7/2021
- Rufus the Moose, 1/7/2021
- Cole the Turtle, 1/8/2021
- Diedre the Cupcake, 1/8/2021
- Gustavus the Dog, 1/8/2021
- Shauna the Seashell, 1/8/2021
- Tavio the Banana Leaf, 1/8/2021
- Conrad the Corn, 1/9/2021
- King the Stingray, 1/9/2021
- Cobie the Corn, 1/10/2022
- Pippie the Pumpkin Pie, 1/10/2022
- Sunny the Bee (Closed-Eye Variant), 1/11/2022
- Kalani the Pumpkin, 1/12/2022
- Kirsty the Butterfly, 1/12/2022
- Michel the Snail, 1/12/2022
- Ramon the Lion, 1/13/2021
- Brie the Witch, 1/14/2020
- Calio the Cat, 1/14/2022
- Demi the Owl, 1/14/2022
- Dionne the Gargoyle, 1/14/2022
- Ellette the Vampire Owl, 1/14/2022
- Gerik the Cat, 1/14/2022
- Joelle the Bigfoot, 1/14/2021
- Lilian the Owl, 1/14/2019
- Timmy the Pumpkin, 1/14/2022
- Uma the Unicorn Mermaid, 1/15/2021
- Ximena the Mango, 1/15/2021
- Dent the Dragon, 1/17/2023
- Tudor the Leatherback Turtle, 1/17/2023
- Walley the Palm Tree, 1/17/2023
- Gorm the Dragon, 1/19/2023
- Johan the Pumpkin, 1/19/2022
- Jamal the Cat, 1/21/2021
- Nikita the Owl, 1/22/2021
- Hugo the Planet, 1/23/2021
- Benedict the Hippo, 1/24/2022
- Jeff the Turtle, 1/24/2022
- Jivin the Deer, 1/23/2022
- Alita the SeaCow, 1/25/2022
- Alva the Coffin, 1/25/2022
- Bittie the SeaCow, 1/25/2022
- Gio the Gargoyle, 1/25/2022
- Kerry the Sea Cow, 1/25/2022
- Kona the Sea Cow, 1/25/2022
- Malia the Sea Cow, 1/25/2022
- Mondy the Sea Cow, 1/25/2022
- Mopey the Sea Cow, 1/25/2022
- Prital the Gargoyle, 1/25/2022
- Shyla the Witch, 1/25/2022
- Staley the Pumpkin, 1/25/2022
- Stasia the Sea Cow, 1/25/2022
- Len the Franken Bear, 1/27/2021
- Otto the Grim Reaper, 1/27/2021
- Detra the Octopus, 1/28/2021
- Kya the Koala, 1/29/2021
February 2
- Capri the Orange, 2/2/2022
- Kelby the Boba Tea, 2/2/2022
- Mimi the Strawberry, 2/2/2022
- Ash the Otter, 2/4/2022
- Mav the Shark, 2/4/2022
- Bernie the Saint Bernard, 2/5/2019
- Stetson the Gingerbread Reindeer, 2/5/2022
- Bo Lynn the Mushroom, 2/8/2023
- Bly the Fortune Teller Cat, 2/9/2022
- Contessa the Raccoon, 2/9/2022
- Dianalee the Chipmunk, 2/9/2023
- Greer the Grasshopper, 2/9/2023
- Groovy the Hedgehog, 2/9/2023
- Philomena the Toad, 2/9/2023
- Vermicelli the Snake, 2/9/2023
- Wellesley the Fawn, 2/9/2023
- Camille the Dinosaur, 2/11/2022
- TyRee the Pandacorn, 2/11/2021
- Walden the Bear, 2/11/2022
- Rivka the Cow, 2/13/2023
- Doxana the Koala, 2/16/2021
- Markina the Moose, 2/8/2023
- Torrence the Dragon, 2/11/2022
- Blaze the monster, 2/20/2020
- Callista the Caticorn Ghost, 2/20/2020
- Casey the Candy Corn Witch, 2/20/2020
- Dante the Demon, 2/20/2020
- Lance the Lemur, 2/20/2022
- Myrtle the Frankenstein, 2/20/2020
- Paxton the Pirate Pumpkin, 2/20/2020
- Petey the Pirate, 2/20/2020
- Scrapper the Skeleton Dog, 2/20/2020
- Sketlana the Skeleton Unicorn, 2/20/2020
- Stix the Skeleton, 2/20/2020
- Stump the Skeleton Cat, 2/20/2020
- Terry the Turkey, 2/20/2020
- Vince the Vampire, 2/20/2020
- Vlad the Vampire, 2/20/2020
- Wade the Werewolf, 2/20/2020
- Whitney the Witch, 2/20/2020
- Wilma the Witch, 2/20/2020
- Winnie the Witch, 2/20/2020
- Megan the Hamster, 2/21/2022
- Bessie the Blueberry Bat, 2/22/2023
- Fatima the Peach Frog, 2/22/2023
- Ichika the Cactus, 2/22/2023
- Jodie the Pumpkin, 2/22/2022
- Marcella the Watermelon Octopus, 2/22/2023
- Mitchard the Kiwi Bear, 2/22/2023
- Olma the Strawberry Cat, 2/22/2023
- Pierogi the Banana Monkey, 2/22/2023
- Rozen the Dragonfruit Fox, 2/22/2023
- Shahzad the Gargoyle, 2/22/2023
- Karlie the Devil Bat, 2/23/2022
- Kenan the Owl, 2/23/2022
- Major the Mummy, 2/23/2022
- Tilly the Bat, 2/23/2022
- Serene the Squirrel, 2/25/2021
- Cam the Cat, 3/1/2017
- Holly the Owl, 3/1/2017
- Hoot the Owl, 3/1/2017
- Kirk the Koala, 3/1/2018
- Reginald the Corgi, 3/1/2018
- Sawyer the Squirrel, 3/1/2019
- Winston the Teal Owl, 3/1/2018
- Betty the Bat, 3/2/2022
- Revna the Mint Ice Cream Sandwich, 3/2/2023
- Tonya the Hog, 3/2/2023
- Wallis the Bigfoot, 3/7/2022
- Clara the Ice Cream Sundae, 3/10/2020
- Dalton the Dragon, 3/10/2020
- Tristan the Triceratops, 3/10/2018
- Alfred the Reindeer, 3/11/2022
- Benny the Bigfoot, 3/11/2020
- Brina the Bigfoot, 3/11/2020
- Dane the Dragon, 3/11/2020
- Elisa the Cheetah-Corn, 3/11/2020
- Gracelynn the Winter Fox, 3/11/2020
- Hank the Hippo, 3/11/2019
- Lyndon the Plague Nurse, 3/11/2021
- Nora the Fairy, 3/11/2020
- Nyla the Unicorn, 3/11/2020
- Riley the Dragon, 3/11/2020
- Tracey the Zebra, 3/11/2019
- Yollie the Yeti, 3/11/2020
- Anessa the Sugar Skull, 3/12/2022
- Denise the Mermaid, 3/12/2019
- Gabby the Yeti, 3/12/2019
- Geli the Skeleton Unicorn-Mermaid, 3/12/2022
- Igor the Narwhal, 3/12/2022
- Lira the Witch, 3/12/2022
- Lorenzo the Nutcracker, 3/12/2019
- Lucy-May the Llama Pegacorn, 3/12/2019
- Lupi the Cereal, 3/12/2022
- Roven the Skeleton Elephant, 3/12/2022
- Tegan the Skeleton Cow, 3/12/2022
- Brenda the Butterfly, 3/13/2019
- Quigley the Squirrel, 3/13/2022
- Doug the Dog, 3/13/2019
- Pommie the Apple Cider, 3/13/2022
- Quigley the Squirrel, 3/13/2022
- Tomos the Frog, 3/13/2022
- Kellie the Goldfish, 3/14/2022
- Landry the Meringue Macaron, 3/14/2022
- Ivy the Dog, 3/15/2022
- Kerstin the Ice Cream, 3/16/2022
- Skeeter the Skeleton Bunny, 3/16/2020
- Donnie the Teal Terrier, 3/17/2020
- Piper the Penguin, 3/17/2017
- Simon the Sloth, 3/17/2017
- Wendy the Frog, 3/17/2017
- Adrie the Caticorn, 3/18/2022
- Beau the Ghost Dog, 3/18/2022
- Darcy the Elf Dog, 3/18/2022
- Kaprina the Monster, 3/18/2022
- Lanai the Frog, 3/18/2022
- Lois the Parrot, 3/18/2022
- Mariana the Toucan, 3/18/2022
- Marley the Bear, 3/18/2022
- Beula the Octopus, 3/19/3030
- Buffy the Bat, 3/19/2020
- Elio the Peppermint Mocha, 3/19/2022
- Ike the Moose, 3/19/2022
- Saul the Pumpkin, 3/19/2022
- Orazlo the Elf, 3/21/2022
- Thandie the Angel, 3/21/2022
- Evita the Bigfoot, 3/22/2022
- Matia the Badger, 3/22/2022
- River the Beaver, 3/22/2022
- Alder the Owl, 3/23/2022
- Alex the Bulldog, 3/23/2022
- Meggie the Maltipoo, 3/23/2022
- Monty the Border Collie, 3/23/2022
- Natty the Retriever Mix, 3/23/2022
- Bernice the Boba Tea, 3/24/2020
- Carl the Cheeseburger, 3/24/2020
- Chanel the Cinnamon Roll, 3/24/2020
- Kayla the Koala, 3/24/2020
- Lexie the Leopard, 3/24/2019
- Maya the Mint Ice Cream, 3/24/2020
- Sebi the Pitbull, 3/24/2022
- Tex the Taco, 3/24/2020
- Twyla the Tooth Fairy, 3/24/2020
- Renee the Latte, 3/28/2021
- Zyta the Pineapple, 3/28/2022
- Emery the Latte, 3/29/2021
- Astrud the peppermint Bigfoot, 3/30/2023
- Bambz the Pomchi, 3/30/2022
- Lake the Bull, 3/30/2022
- Lorenzo the Banana Slug, 3/30/2023
- Lyan the Triceratops, 3/30/2022
- Mariano the Chameleon, 3/30/2022
- Pleyton the Snake, 3/30/2022
- Ridelle the Hippo, 3/30/2022
- Dorina the Birthday Cake, 3/31/2021
- Gal the Unicorn, 3/31/2022
- Gianna the Seal, 3/31/2022
- Greenly the Jellyfish, 3/31/2022
- Moonie the Water Bear, 3/31/2022
- Norma the Gnome, 3/31/2020
- Rutie the Rooster, 3/31/2022
- Tobias the Seal, 3/31/2022
- Tortuga the Alligator, 3/31/2023
- Trixie the Unicorn, 3/31/2022
- Valentine the Bat, 3/31/2023
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- August the Alpaca, 4/1/2022
- Axel the Beetle, 4/1/2022
- Barrie the Frog, 4/1/2022
- Bimbi the Clown, 4/1/2022
- Carty the Koala, 4/1/2022
- Duna the Dumbo Octopus, 4/1/2022
- Guadalupe the Sugar Skull, 4/1/2022
- Hernan the Seahorse, 4/1/2022
- Jean the Apple Juice, 4/1/2022
- Leigh the Toad, 4/1/2022
- Luna the Loch Ness Monster, 4/1/2022
- Neely the Neapolitan Ice Cream Sandwich, 4/1/2022
- Norman the Gnome, 4/1/2020
- Rheys the Hammerhead Shark, 4/1/2022
- Chesa the Peppermint, 4/2/2021
- Melvin the Monkey, 4/4/2019
- Arlie the Dinosaur, 4/5/2021
- Marla the Ladybug, 4/5/2022
- Sandra the Carrot, 4/5/2022
- Cacey the Cactus, 4/6/2022
- Delita the Dragonfruit, 4/6/2021
- Elpha the Cupcake, 4/6/2022
- Medina the Lemonade, 4/6/2021
- Shadi the Cactus, 4/6/2022
- Walsh the Rose, 4/6/2022
- Zuni the Giraffe, 4/6/2022
- Aldous the Bat, 4/7/2022
- Anu the Otter, 4/7/2022
- Candela the Highland Cow, 4/7/2022
- Chaitra the Lemur, 4/7/2022
- Chasen the Dog, 4/7/2022
- Estephania the Butterfly, 4/7/2022
- Garret the Guinea Pig, 4/7/2022
- Harvey the Walrus, 4/7/2022
- Jorgina the Jellyfish, 4/7/2022
- Junie the Banana, 4/7/2022
- Jyri the Ginseng, 4/7/2022
- Luanne the Possum, 4/7/2022
- Lyle the Ferret, 4/7/2022
- Magnis the Australian Shepherd, 4/7/2022
- Marius the Manatee, 4/7/2022
- Miki the Boba Tea, 4/7/2022
- Noe the Sea Bunny, 4/7/2022
- Paden the Pancake, 4/7/2022
- Sky the Squid, 4/7/2022
- Solenn the Sushi, 4/7/2022
- Warren the Boar, 4/7/2022
- Mills the Monkey, 4/10/2023
- Tatiana the Dragon, 4/10/2019
- Teresa the Unicorn, 4/10/2019
- Aneta the Lobster, 4/11/2022
- Anneli the Ferret, 4/11/2022
- Brinya the Cake, 4/11/2022
- Hadeon the Grasshopper, 4/11/2022
- Hoknii the Hippo, 4/11/2022
- Hosha the Manatee, 4/11/2022
- Lane the Squirrel, 4/11/2022
- Mully the Mushroom, 4/11/2022
- Murray the Nutcracker Mouse, 4/11/2021
- Arco the Hermit Crab, 4/12/2022
- Banks the Badger, 4/12/2022
- Beija the Squirrel, 4/12/2023
- Claudia the Beetroot, 4/12/2022
- Coleen the Chameleon, 4/12/2022
- Jamar the Meerkat, 4/12/2022
- Koako the Ice Cream Sandwich, 4/12/2022
- Krisa the Jellyfish, 4/12/2022
- Kwame the Walrus, 4/12/2022
- Ladee the Ladybug, 4/12/2022
- Miry the Moth, 4/12/2022
- Nestor the Chicken Nugget, 4/12/2022
- Oliviana the Alien, 4/12/2022
- Pavlo the Llama, 4/12/2022
- Peety the Flying Pig, 4/12/2022
- Raylor the Australian Shepherd, 4/12/2021
- Rusty the Rat, 4/12/2022
- Safa the Pufferfish, 4/12/2022
- Shep the Brown Spotted Bull, 4/12/2022
- Wilbie the Mammoth, 4/12/2022
- Adelaide the Octopus, 4/13/2021
- Samir the Whale, 4/13/2021
- Skyler the Skunk, 5/13/2019
- Adela the Basset Hound, 4/14/2022
- Bibiana the Butterfly, 4/14/2022
- Braven the Bear Nutcracker, 4/14/2021
- Colm the Octopus, 4/14/2023
- Danika the Dolphin, 4/14/2022
- Denton the Chameleon, 4/14/2021
- Essy the Eel, 4/14/2022
- Giles the Grasshopper, 4/14/2022
- Keren the Panda, 4/14/2022
- Lass the Antelope, 4/14/2023
- Leander the Gnome, 4/14/2022
- Lemora the Fox, 4/14/2022
- Lobert the Lobster, 4/14/2022
- Mitch the Platypus, 4/14/2022
- Sawtelle the Pancake, 4/14/2022
- Sienna the Caticorn, 4/14/2022
- Sigrid the Siamese Cat, 4/14/2022
- Spice the Devil’s Food Cake, 4/14/2023
- Sugar the Angel’s Food Cake, 4/14/2023
- Tycho the Parakeet, 4/14/2022
- Viggy the Pumpkin, 4/14/2022
- Abe the Bearded Dragon, 4/15/2021
- Avery the Mallard Duck, 4/15/2019
- Arilla the Armadillo, 4/15/2022
- Brisby the Horse, 4/15/2019
- Darex the Dinosaur, 5/15/2021
- Kendla the Pumpkin Spice Latte, 4/15/2021
- Lucienne the Lionfish, 4/15/2022
- Milanda the Donkey, 4/15/2021
- Olav the Blobfish, 4/15/2022
- Pace the Fennec Fox, 4/15/2022
- Poplina the Boba Tea, 4/15/2021
- Reggie the Ram, 4/15/2022
- Sabine the Fox, 4/15/2021
- Shun the Sushi, 4/15/2021
- Todd the Rooster, 4/15/2019
- Tomara the Penguin, 4/15/2021
- Walker the Goat, 4/15/2019
- Zinx the Alien, 4/15/2021
- Kelina the Koala, 4/16/2021
- Benkamin the Beetle, 4/17/2022
- Connor the Cow, 4/17/2017
- Mila the Elephant, 4/17/2017
- Milly the Monkey, 4/17/2017
- Sam the Dog, 4/17/2017
- Stanley the Panda, 4/17/2021
- Aidy the Shark, 4/18/2022
- Aksel the Axolotl, 4/18/2022
- Beernie the Dog, 4/18/2022
- Berko the Bunny, 4/18/2022
- Bevin the Snow Cone, 4/18/2022
- Cyrena the Bear, 4/18/2022
- Delzi the Donkey, 4/18/2022
- Egbert the Easter Egg, 4/18/2022
- Eiko the Octopus, 4/18/2022
- Janna the Strawberry Jam, 4/18/2022
- Lamar the Whale Shark, 4/18/2022
- Leon the Monster, 4/18/2022
- Lonina the Frog, 4/18/2022
- Maria the Leopard, 4/18/2022
- Maruta the Gorilla, 4/18/2022
- Odion the Ramen, 4/18/2022
- Prescott the Panda, 4/18/2022
- Rheya the Corgi, 4/18/2022
- Ronisia the Unicorn, 4/18/2022
- Rossi the Cheetah, 4/18/2022
- Tahoe the Cat, 4/18/2022
- Tai the Sugar Glider, 4/18/2022
- Tew the Water Bear, 4/18/2022
- Eileen the Butterfly, 4/19/2022
- Arona the Butterfly, 4/19/2022
- Beata the Latte, 4/19/2022
- Bobbix the Cat, 4/19/2022
- Duranza the Dragon, 4/19/2022
- Kamala the Eagle, 4/19/2022
- Lomo the Axolotl, 4/19/2022
- Maxella the Macaron, 4/19/2022
- Mincha the Claw Machine, 4/19/2022
- Ottie the Cupcake, 4/19/2022
- Rayn the Sugar Glider, 4/19/2022
- Ronello the Dinosaur, 4/19/2022
- Swerl the Snail, 4/19/2022
- Abel the Manatee, 4/20/2022
- Adrina the Caticorn, 4/20/2022
- Alec the Loch Ness Monster, 4/20/2022
- Bastain the Bunny, 4/20/2022
- Bergit the Boba Tea, 4/20/2021
- Chappy the Mushroom, 4/20/2022
- Cillian the Cow, 4/20/2022
- Dolan the Dinosaur, 4/20/2022
- Domingo the Goat, 4/20/2022
- Dottie the Sea Slug, 4/20/2022
- Glena the Eggplant, 4/20/2021
- Goldine the Bunny, 4/20/2022
- Keina the Sushi, 4/20/2021
- Kyra the Cat, 4/20/2022
- Sevda the Boba, 4/20/2021
- Stahl the Dinosaur, 4/20/2022
- Steph the Flying Squirrel, 4/20/2022
- Tammy the Platypus, 4/20/2023
- Willis the Arcade Game, 4/20/2022
- Zarina the Banana Slug, 4/20/2022
- Zhen the Frog, 4/20/2022
- Bowie the Tie-Dye Hedgehog, 4/21/2021
- Daria the Sugar Skull, 4/21/2022
- Hila the Hedgehog, 4/21/2021
- Kaldette the Grapefruit, 4/21/2021
- Lydia the Lamb, 4/22/2022
- Ressie the Apple, 4/22/2021
- Rodina the Unicorn, 4/22/2021
- Ruthie the Unicorn, 4/22/2021
- Raisy the Ramen, 4/23/2021
- Shozo the Sushi, 4/23/2021
- Sofia the Unicorn, 4/23/2019
- Hara the Bunny, 4/25/2022
- Joxtine the Cat, 4/26/2021
- Noodles the Chick, 4/26/2021
- Petina the Polar Bear, 4/26/2021
- Tuluck the Cow, 4/26/2022
- Alandy the Poison Dark Frog, 4/27/2021
- Gavyn the Donkey, 4/28/2022
- Loretta the Dumbo Octopus, 4/28/2022
- Unai the Mushroom, 4/28/2022
- Nancy the Ragdoll Cat, 4/29/2021
- Prince the Pug, 5/1/2020
- Janus the Ornament, 5/4/2022
- Marcy the Flying Pig, 5/4/2023
- Nitch the Ornament, 5/4/2022
- Clay the Cow, 5/5/2022
- Marshal the Highland Cow, 5/5/2022
- Meryl the Seal, 5/5/2023
- Yareli the Llama, 5/5/2022
- YuanYuan the Pegasus, 5/5/2022
- Rodry the Bearded Dragon, 5/6/2022
- Raina the Penguin, 5/7/2021
- Paulie the Schnauzer, 5/8/2021
- Gasper the Gnome, 5/9/2022
- Bop the Bunny, 5/10/2018
- Deidra the Gnome, 5/10/2022
- Toba the Angel, 5/10/2022
- Caparinne the Bigfoot, 5/11/2021
- Alonzo the Highland Cow, 5/12/2022
- Cascade the Sea Turtle, 5/12/2022
- Cordelia the Caterpillar, 5/12/2022
- Geronimo the Breakfast Bagel, 5/12/2022
- Isolde the Onion, 5/12/2022
- Mirren the Moth, 5/12/2022
- Nash the Broccoli, 5/12/2022
- Vie the Berry Smoothie, 5/12/2022
- Zosia the Yogurt Parfait, 5/12/2022
- Amleth the Yeti, 5/13/2022
- Emrys the Sleeping Dragon, 5/13/2021
- Ever the Bigfoot, 5/13/2022
- Gardenia the Groundhog, 5/13/2022
- Keely the Kangaroo, 5/13/2019
- Lida the Owl, 5/13/2021
- Mark the Monkey, 5/13/2019
- Nathan the Tabby Cat, 5/13/2019
- Ryan the Husky, 5/13/2019
- Shaun the Schnauzer, 5/13/2019
- Silvia the Unicorn, 5/13/2019
- Zobey the Octopus, 5/13/2019
- Zola the Pegacorn, 5/13/2021
- Misty the Mouse, 5/14/2019
- Nitro the Hammerhead Shark, 5/14/2021
- Sabrina the Pink Rainbow Caticorn, 5/14/2019
- Jerrika the Octopus, 5/16/2021
- Hudson the Unicorn, 5/16/2021
- Renate the Koala, 5/16/2021
- Webb the Chick, 5/16/2022
- Whim the Sloth, 5/16/2022
- Sid the Snail, 5/18/2020
- Maggie the Stingray, 5/22/2019
- Rinz the Monster, 5/23/2022
- Alba the Mushroom, 5/25/2022
- Anara the Asparagus, 5/25/2022
- Bren the Bigfoot, 5/25/2022
- Danilo the Choco-Banana Toast, 5/25/2022
- Deacon the Donkey, 5/25/2022
- Diane the Bigfoot, 5/25/2022
- Donyar the Eel, 5/25/2022
- Eden the Bigfoot, 5/25/2022
- IndieMae the Axolotl, 5/25/2022
- Mahdi the Mushroom, 5/25/2022
- Noelani the Axolotl, 5/25/2022
- Pell the Goat, 5/25/2022
- Romy the Seal, 5/25/2022
- Saku the Hawaiin Pizza, 5/25/2022
- Shabnam the Sea Slug, 5/25/2022
- Berrina the Jelly Jar, 5/26/2021
- Mauricio the Octopus, 5/26/2021
- Sydney the Mushroom, 5/26/2021
- Wildred the Highland Cow, 5/26/2021
- Amalie the Snake, 5/27/2021
- Azizi the Dragon, 5/28/2021
- Everett the Guinea Pig, 5/28/2021
- Kalina the Cow, 5/28/2021
- Rayen the Pancake, 5/28/2021
- Reshma the Cow, 5/28/2021
- Delenne the Birthday Dog, 6/1/2021
- Hanina the Birthday Cake, 6/1/2021
- Katya the Koala, 6/1/2020
- Lyla the Birthday Cake, 6/1/2021
- Maxwell the Monkey, 6/1/2017
- Octavia the Octopus, 6/1/2020
- Adila the Antelope, 6/2/2021
- Akina the Axolotl, 6/2/2021
- Camilo the Chinchilla, 6/2/2021
- Lilibet the Duck, 6/2/2021
- Pedi the Octopus, 6/2/2021
- Sakina the Mushroom, 6/2/2021
- Bindy the Walrus, 6/3/2021
- Rahima the Camel, 6/3/2021
- Safiyah the Rainbow Zebra, 6/3/2021
- Boulder the Moon (New), 6/4/2021
- Opal the Octopus, 6/5/2020
- Donnelly the Macaron, 6/6/2022
- Elson the Eel, 6/6/2022
- Hera the Cheetah, 6/6/2022
- Lorita the Bunny, 6/6/2022
- Ysabel the Cocker Spaniel, 6/6/2022
- Christain the Caterpillar, 6/7/2022
- Dolma the Octopus, 6/7/2021
- Eric the Blobfish, 6/7/2021
- Gracia the Meerkat, 6/7/2021
- Hectico the Cobra, 6/7/2021
- Marianovella the Narwhal, 6/7/2021
- Misko the Water Bear, 6/7/2021
- Oz the Succulent, 6/7/2021
- Samanthe the Scorpion, 6/7/2021
- Andrew the Jackalope, 6/8/2021
- Buna the Bigfoot, 6/8/2023
- Cosimo the Mushroom Bat, 6/8/2023
- Josephine the Yeti, 6/8/2021
- Kimmie the Cupcake, 6/8/2021
- Noro the Cthulhu, 6/8/2023
- Parson the Giraffe, 6/8/2022
- Yekaterina the Bigfoot Clown, 6/8/2023
- Abena the Succulent, 6/9/2021
- Afiyah the Succulent, 6/9/2021
- Bryce the Dog, 6/9/2021
- Candace the Corgi, 6/9/2020
- Helene the Sloth, 6/9/2021
- Kate the Llamacorn, 6/9/2021
- Bernard the Shark, 6/10/2022
- Caden the Horse, 6/10/2022
- Coralie the Jackalope, 6/10/2022
- Danya the Bunny, 6/10/2021
- Darleen the Elephant, 6/10/2022
- D’Marie the Bunny, 6/10/2021
- Duster the Dinosaur, 6/10/2022
- Hugh the Hippo, 6/10/2022
- Josa the Sea Slug, 6/10/2022
- Kristina the Cat, 6/10/2021
- Liza the Golden Retriever, 6/10/2022
- Nellie the Parakeet, 6/10/2021
- Satine the Bunny, 6/10/2022
- Tori the Octopus, 6/10/2022
- Waymond the Rockhopper Penguin, 6/10/2022
- Amala the Axolotl, 6/11/2021
- Kamili the Sea Pig, 6/11/2021
- Norbu the Dumbo Octopus, 6/11/2021
- Tenzing the Sea Bunny, 6/11/2021
- Aurora the Tie-Dye Unicorn, 6/13/2019
- Drew the Dragon, 6/13/2019
- Elea the Sheep, 6/14/2021
- Paulton the Chocolate Bar, 6/14/2021
- Cookie the Flamingo, 6/15/2021
- Kiki the Kangaroo, 6/15/2021
- Starla the Seahorse, 6/15/2020
- Robyne the Bunny, 6/15/2021
- Clutch the Axolotl, 6/16/2021
- Hailey the Bigfoot, 6/16/2021
- Brenden the Jack Russel Terrier, 6/17/2021
- Jarin the Jellyfish, 6/17/2019
- Nathaniel the Cocker Spaniel, 6/19/2021
- Elanor the Bulldog, 6/20/2021
- Bara the Beaver, 6/22/2021
- Nebula the Unicorn, 6/22/2020
- Vee the Magical Owl, 6/22/2021
- Bashira the Bandana Dog, 6/23/2021
- Zerdan the Marble Dog, 6/23/2021
- Buzz the Sloth, 6/24/2019
- Helena the Unicorn, 6/24/2019
- Noah the Seal, 6/24/2019
- Robert the Frog, 6/24/2021
- Yuri the Yeti, 6/24/2020
- Banu the Gnome, 6/25/2021
- Lizette the Caticorn, 6/27/2021
- Belozi the Cow, 6/28/2021
- Cleary the Strawberry Cow, 6/28/2023
- Hilary the Bear, 6/28/2021
- Kavya the Penguin, 6/28/2021
- Charake the Flying Pig, 6/29/2022
- Griz the Bulldog, 6/29/2021
- Lakely the Dinosaur, 6/29/2021
- Mildred the Owl, 6/29/2022
- Nya the Leopard, 6/29/2021
- Rhett the French Bulldog, 6/29/2022
- Avrill the Dragon, 6/30/2021
- Hasani the Hedgehog, 6/30/2021
- Nightingale the Cow, 6/30/2020
- Aimee the Chick, 7/1/2018
- Aina the Unicorn, 7/1/2021
- Alizeh the Fox, 7/1/2021
- Carlota the Calico Cat, 7/1/2021
- Charlotte the Calico Cat, 7/1/2021
- Duffy the Dog, 7/1/2017
- Kyla the Elephant, 7/1/2018
- Lorie the Leopard, 7/1/2018
- Oliver the Cat, 7/1/2017
- Pam the Pug, 7/1/2018
- PJ the Panda, 7/1/2018
- Randy the Racoon, 7/1/2018
- Samantha the Owl, 7/1/2017
- Seraphina the Unicorn, 7/1/2017
- Kathy the Cat, 7/2/2021
- Ponderosa the Unicorn, 7/2/2019
- Ramona the Red Panda, 7/2/2019
- Sharon the Shark, 7/2/2019
- Winnie the Walrus, 7/2/2019
- Canda the Fish, 7/5/2021
- Carizma the Tabby Cat, 7/5/2022
- Nabila the Narwhal, 7/5/2021
- Livvy the Starfish, 7/6/2021
- Orzella the Octopus, 7/6/2021
- Belton the Lemon Bear, 7/7/2021
- Dorgee the Seal, 7/7/2021
- Bebe the Bluebird, 7/8/2020
- Daja the Dolphin, 7/8/2019
- Delilah the Dinosaur, 7/8/2019
- Dustin the Dalmation, 7/8/2020
- Leanne the Unicorn, 7/8/2020
- Miles the Dragon, 7/8/2019
- Ova the Walrus, 7/8/2021
- Selma the Skunk, 7/8/2020
- Abilene the Ostrich, 7/9/2021
- Daryl the Astronaut, 7/9/2020
- Nicole the Aqua Caticorn, 7/9/2020
- Angie the Shiba Inu, 7/10/2019
- Colin the Cow, 7/10/2021
- Mario the German Shepherd, 7/10/2019
- Mateo the Rottweiler, 7/10/2019
- Asley the Vulture, 7/11/2022
- Bolivar the Scorpion, 7/11/2022
- Katta the Fennec Fox, 7/11/2022
- Madven the Meerkat, 7/11/2022
- Oden the Peccary, 7/11/2022
- Roth the Gila Monster, 7/11/2022
- Aron the Gorilla, 7/12/2021
- Berit the Moth, 7/12/2021
- Danielito the Cat, 7/12/2021
- Glady the Rainbow Ice Cream, 7/12/2021
- Robb the Orangutan, 7/12/2021
- Squaz the Mouse, 7/12/2021
- Stew the Egg, 7/12/2022
- Thompson the Armadillo, 7/12/2021
- Adabelle the Strawberry Frog, 7/13/2021
- Amina the Squirrel, 7/13/2020
- Dohna the Leopard, 7/13/2021
- Lai the Watermelon Mantaray, 7/13/2021
- Squaz the Mouse, 7/13/2021
- Adin the Space Game, 7/14/2021
- Casja the Walkman, 7/14/2021
- Galia the Gameboy, 7/14/2021
- Maline the Capsule Machine, 7/14/2021
- Rada the Claw Machine, 7/14/2021
- Tadita the Cell Phone, 7/14/2021
- Xin the Bunny, 7/14/2022
- Aicha the Seashell, 7/15/2021
- Bertwin the Bearded Dragon, 7/15/2021
- Casmir the Husky, 7/15/2021
- Ceba the Peacock, 7/15/2021
- Gonza the Easter Egg, 7/15/2022
- Miranda the Owl, 7/15/2020
- Rei the Pegasus, 7/15/2021
- Bertwin the Bearded Dragon, 7/15/2021
- Antonella the Cheetah, 7/16/2021
- Dabria the Donut, 7/16/2021
- Deeto the African Wild Dog, 7/16/2021
- Talib the Pterodactyl, 7/16/2021
- Chase the Cat, 7/17/2019
- Chip the Beaver, 7/17/2019
- Drella the Dog, 7/17/2020
- Ilene the Unicorn, 7/17/2019
- Shon the Loch Ness Monster, 7/17/2023
- Archie the Axolotl, 7/18/2019
- Bethuna the Mystical Creature, 7/19/2021
- Brienlana the Butterfly, 7/19/2021
- Christabel the Crab, 7/19/2021
- Delphine the Axolotl, 7/19/2021
- Detina the Dog, 7/19/2021
- Hakim the Hammerhead Shark, 7/19/2021
- Kachina the Kiwi, 7/19/2021
- Kaia the Ice Cream, 7/19/2021
- Kaitlyn the Lemur, 7/19/2021
- Lala the Lamb, 7/19/2020
- Myrna the Griffon, 7/19/2021
- Zaya the Bear, 7/19/2021
- Caedyn the Cow, 7/20/21
- Celenia the Cat, 7/20/2020
- Delroy the Dog, 7/20/2021
- Perkin the Mothman, 7/20/2022
- Rey the Shark, 7/20/2021
- Roseanne the Cat, 7/20/2022
- Zumirez the Bat, 7/20/2022
- Ileana the Cupcake, 7/21/2022
- Phoenix the Unicorn, 7/21/2020
- Obu the Tree Frog, 7/22/2021
- Balia the Butterfly, 7/23/2021
- Bronte the Chameleon, 7/23/2021
- Caitroina the Cat, 7/23/2021
- Calais the Chameleon, 7/23/2021
- Della the Duck, 7/23/2021
- Kaelea the Koala, 7/23/2021
- Mary the Octopus, 7/23/2020
- Shany the Calico Cat,7/23/2019
- Carah the Candy Corn Devil, 7/25/2022
- Evangelica the Cow, 7/26/2021
- Bambalina the Cat, 7/27/2021
- Andreina the Butterfly, 7/28/2021
- Chloeyana the Dog, 7/29/2021
- Chuy the Cairn Terrier, 7/29/2021
- Dalha the Cat, 7/30/2021
- Varity the Husky, 7/30/2021
- Patty the Cow, 8/1/2017
- Penny the Panda, 8/1/2017
- Scout the Panda, 8/2/2017
- Sophie the Sheep, 8/2/2017
- Bevalee the Unicorn, 8/3/2021
- Cordess the Caticorn, 8/3/2021
- Cyma the Corgi, 8/3/2021
- Mina-Mae the Dragon, 8/3/2021
- Barika the Bearded Dragon, 8/4/2021
- Brissa the Hamburger, 8/4/2021
- Jayden the Beluga Whale, 8/4/2021
- Bristol the Beaver, 8/5/2022
- Candess the Cow, 8/5/2021
- Geranium the Finch, 8/5/2022
- Gist the Soda, 8/8/2022
- Gobo the Gummy Bear, 8/8/2022
- Iker the Hoagie, 8/8/2022
- Maelle the Turtle, 8/8/2022
- Patricia the Potato Chips, 8/8/2022
- Shane the Grasshopper, 8/8/2022
- Silver the Gummy Worms, 8/8/2022
- Kayce the Pandacorn, 8/9/2019
- Lucia the Lemur, 8/9/2019
- Paco the Parrot, 8/9/2019
- Tito the Toucan, 8/9/2019
- Quinick the Cow, 8/10/2022
- Aleka the Axolotl, 8/11/2021
- Nefen the Gnome, 8/12/2021
- JSK the Cat, 8/13/2021
- Milto the Pumpkin Mouse, 8/14/2022
- Palmina the Alicorn, 8/14/2021
- Beatriz the Penguin, 8/15/2022
- Boden the Water Buffalo, 8/15/2022
- Caedia the Cow, 8/15/2021
- Carina the Mushroom, 8/15/2022
- Charlon the Monster, 8/15/2022
- Clovis the Seahorse, 8/15/2022
- DeRay the Ankylosaurus, 8/15/2022
- Hammie the Mushroom, 8/15/2022
- Lalinda the Giraffe, 8/15/2022
- Marjorie the Naked Mole Rat, 8/15/2022
- Malick the Moose, 8/15/2022
- Mariposa the Witch, 8/15/2022
- Morrison the Witches’ Brew, 8/15/2022
- Vig the Tadpole, 8/15/2022
- Zazzie the Cat, 8/15/2022
- Ariana the Witch, 8/16/2022
- Blas the Bat, 8/16/2022
- Callum the Monster, 8/16/2022
- Catrina the Highland Cow, 8/16/2022
- Catrine the Rottweiler, 8/16/2021
- Cedrick the Chick, 8/16/2019
- Colleen the Corgi, 8/16/2021
- Elvio the Sugar Glider, 8/16/2022
- Erin the Squirrel, 8/16/2022
- Ernest the Monster, 8/16/2022
- Gaines the Gargoyle, 8/16/2022
- Hawley the Skeleton Bat, 8/16/2022
- Ingo the Monster, 8/16/2022
- Keir the Candy Apple, 8/16/2022
- Lester the Pumpkin Spice Latte, 8/16/2022
- Lucasta the Bat, 8/16/2022
- Mead the Apple Cider, 8/16/2022
- Medea the Hot Chocolate, 8/16/2022
- Melfy the Ghost Devil, 8/16/2022
- Mr. Orlen the Monster, 8/16/2022
- Oceana the Shark, 8/16/2022
- Patterson the Moose, 8/16/2022
- Rambly the Cat, 8/16/2022
- Rosemary the Bat, 8/16/2022
- Roslyn the Witch, 6/16/2022
- Seymour the Spider, 8/16/2022
- Tetero the Triceratops, 8/16/2022
- Ulana the Turkey, 8/16/2022
- Sedna the Schnauzer, 8/17/2021
- Delcia the Monkey, 8/18/2021
- Dunie the Axolotl, 8/18/2022
- Kerian the Popcorn, 8/18/2021
- Luciano the Lion, 8/18/2022
- Palmer the Mint Goat, 8/18/2021
- Rell the Gnome, 8/18/2021
- Sager the Dog, 8/18/2022
- Trilly the Hermit Crab, 8/18/2022
- Triston the Chick, 8/18/2021
- Calton the Highland Cow, 8/19/2021
- Jettward the Poodle, 8/19/2021
- Onea the Owl, 8/20/2021
- Sabino the Sugar Glider, 8/20/2021
- Cosme the Horse, 8/22/2022
- Dally the Pug, 8/23/2021
- Wyatt the Frog, 8/24/2022
- Naddie the Turtle, 8/25/2021
- Albinia the Dog, 8/26/2021
- Claudella the Cat, 8/26/2021
- Dorthea the Owl, 8/26/2021
- Justine the Chick, 8/27/2021
- Calynda the Cow, 8/28/2021
- Stacy the Squid, 8/28/2019
- Augusto the Triceratops, 8/29/2022
- Havin the Bee, 8/29/2021
- Camden the Bluebird, 8/30/2019
- Ditka the Witch, 8/30/2022
- Georgios the Crab, 8/30/2022
- Jarrell the Dinosaur, 8/30/2021
- Olana the Lamb, 8/30/2022
- Witt the Dumbo Octopus, 8/30/2022
- Syana the Fox, 8/31/2021
- Briannika the Peacock, 9/1/2021
- Dexter the Dragon, 9/1/2018
- Dobrilla the Bigfoot, 9/1/2021
- Elsa the Lamb, 9/1/2018
- Jack the Black Cat, 9/1/2020
- Levinda the Bunny, 9/1/2022
- Omar the Bear, 9/1/2018
- Pandora the Pegasus, 9/1/2018
- Violet the Octopus, 9/1/2018
- Bessa the Pig, 9/2/2021
- Brock the Bulldog, 9/2/2018
- Brody the Dinosaur, 9/2/2018
- Carmen the Cat, 9/2/2020
- Heidi the Husky, 9/2/2020
- Nettie the Sugar Glider, 9/2/2022
- Niala the Cheesecake, 9/2/2022
- Delaney the Frog, 9/3/2021
- Desmond the Dragon, 9/3/2020
- Niema the Narwhal, 9/3/2021
- Nixie the Butterfly, 9/3/2020
- Raquel the Pegacorn, 9/3/2020
- Cyan the Blue Whale, 9/4/2021
- Eunice the Unicorn, 9/4/2020
- Nassim the Cow, 9/4/2021
- Abby the Octopus, 9/5/2020
- Blanca the Tie-Dye Kangaroo, 9/5/2019
- Cornelia the Caterpillar, 9/5/2021
- Edward the Bald Eagle, 9/5/2019
- Evelyn the Pink Elephant, 9/5/2019
- Janet the Jelleyfish, 9/5/2020
- Kervena the Mushroom, 9/5/2021
- Sydnee the Squirrel, 9/5/2020
- Brinkley the Bunny, 9/6/2021
- Heather the Dragonfly, 9/6/2020
- Selema the Jellyfish, 9/6/2022
- Charlize the Cockatiel, 9/7/2020
- Elysa the Snail, 9/7/2020
- Emmie the Alien, 9/7/2021
- Ferko the Shoebill, 9/7/2021
- Hobart the Hamster, 9/7/2021
- Lindsay the Leopard, 9/7/2020
- Dahlia the Unicorn, 9/8/2020
- Deniz the Pelican, 9/8/2021
- Prim the Unicorn, 9/8/2020
- Basma the Whooping Crane, 9/9/2021
- Hallie the Narwhal, 9/9/2020
- Jeanne the Octopus, 9/10/2019
- Johnny the Octopus, 9/10/2020
- Laura the Cat, 9/10/2020
- Sharde the Foxicorn, 9/10/2020
- Tajo the Tasmanian Devil, 9/10/2021
- Joey the Mint Dragon, 9/11/2020
- Marlowe the Llama, 9/11/2021
- Xandra (or Alex in the UK and Europe) the Crab, 9/11/2020
- Cataleya the Koala, 9/12/2020
- Evie the Narwhal, 9/12/2020
- Lianne the Lion, 9/12/2020
- Regina the Corgi, 9/12/2020
- Ter the Narwhal, 9/12/2021
- Bob the Robot, 9/13/2022
- Claudette the Cheetah, 9/13/2022
- Ellixsa the Butterfly, 9/13/2021
- Enid the Mushroom, 9/13/2022
- Jayla the Galah Cockatoo, 9/13/2022
- Kesla the Floral Cat, 9/13/2021
- Niamh the Boba Tea, 9/13/2022
- Risa the Calico Cat, 9/13/2020
- Toni the Snow Leopard, 9/13/2020
- Yancy the Gnome, 9/13/2021
- Kendra the Fox, 9/14/2020
- Lafi the Llama, 9/14/2021
- Michaela the Tie-Dye Cheetah, 9/14/2020
- Silvina the Snail, 9/14/2020
- Andy the Christmas Tree, 9/15/2022
- Caryl the Cat, 9/15/2021
- Conway the Highland Cow, 9/15/2022
- Harlan the Alligator, 9/15/2022
- Pama the Cake Pop, 9/15/2022
- Rhiannon the Fox, 9/15/2020
- Soraya the Cheetah-Corn, 9/15/2020
- Truman the Leatherback Turtle, 9/15/2022
- Anastasia the Axolotl, 9/16/2020
- Cooper the Schnauzer, 9/16/2022
- Dani the Bigfoot, 9/16/2022
- Gisla the Hamsa Hand, 9/16/2021
- Legacy the Bunnycorn, 9/16/2020
- Naomi the Narwhal, 9/16/2020
- Xander the Dinosaur, 9/16/2020
- Anya the Caticorn Mermaid, 9/17/2020
- Ashlyn the Cheetah Fairy, 9/17/2020
- Emela the Lamb, 9/17/2021
- Grayson the Dinosaur, 9/17/2020
- Hodge the Grey Buddha, 9/17/2021
- Miss Vi the Axolotl, 9/17/2020
- Tony the Zebra, 9/17/2018
- Cailey the Pink Crab, 9/18/2020
- Crissle the Lightbulb, 9/18/2021
- Taryn the Sloth, 9/18/2020
- Wilde the Beetroot, 9/18/2022
- Belana the Cow, 9/19/2020
- Bluby the Blueberry, 9/19/2022
- Calypsa the Pride Dragon, 9/19/2022
- Elodie the Octopus, 9/19/2021
- Heath the Pride Huskey, 9/19/2022
- Juniper the Donkey, 9/19/2020
- Meadow the Horse, 9/19/2020
- Melina the Octopus, 9/19/2020
- Nedison the Peanut Butter, 9/19/2022
- Ronnie the Cow, 9/19/2020
- Rosie the Pig, 9/19/2019
- Sarakee the Panda, 9/19/2022
- Steele the Whale Shark, 9/19/2021
- Seke the Zebra, 9/19/2019
- Aligail the Cupcake, 9/20/2022
- Jova the Blueberry Muffin, 9/20/2022
- Orphie the Octopus, 9/20/2021
- Atoosa the Tiger, 9/21/2021
- Jenney the Penguin Angel, 9/21/2022
- Sigzby the Black Panther, 9/21/2021
- Alten the Christmas Milk, 9/22/2022
- Arlene the Christmas Milk, 9/22/2022
- Buford the Moose, 9/22/2022
- Cash the Gingerbread Man, 9/22/2022
- Den the Gingerbread Axolotl, 9/22/2022
- Duane the Snow Griffon, 9/22/2022
- Ernesto the Peppermint Latte, 9/22/2022
- Ginger the Gingerbread Latte, 9/22/2022
- Jalisca the Leopard, 9/22/2022
- Johann the Christmas Tree, 9/22/2022
- Jones the Gingerbread Cat, 9/22/2022
- Joyce the Eggnog, 9/22/2022
- Lowell the Gift Bag, 9/22/2022
- Malta the Matcha Cinnamon Roll, 9/22/2022
- Melidy the Ice Cream Sandwich, 9/22/2022
- Nakia the Cat, 9/22/2021
- Nissa the Yeti, 9/22/2022
- Peterson the Gingerbread Boy, 9/22/2022
- Ulga the Cow, 9/22/2021
- Zumir the Peppermint Moose, 9/22/2022
- Lula the Lamb, 9/23/2021
- Olexa the Pear, 9/23/2021
- Cortez the Caterpillar, 9/24/2021
- Grant the Goat, 9/24/2019
- Jayda the Pink Jellyfish, 9/24/2019
- Oriam the Cow, 9/24/2021
- Cienna the Purple Rainbow Caticorn, 9/25/2019
- Babs the Blue Jay, 9/25/2020
- Eloise the Cat, 9/26/2020
- Henley the Pegacorn, 9/26/2020
- Max the Raccoon, 9/26/2020
- Renard the Bunny, 9/26/2021
- Theotto the Cthulhu, 9/26/2022
- Ashley the Apple, 9/27/2019
- Austin the Avocado, 9/27/2019
- Ashely the Apple, 9/27/2019
- Jarik the Dragon, 9/27/2021
- Maui the Pineapple, 9/27/2019
- Orin the Orange, 9/27/2019
- Phyllis the Peach, 9/27/2019
- Scarlet the Strawberry, 9/27/2019
- Wanda the Watermelon/Wyatt the Watermelon, 9/27/2019
- Terell the Mushroom, 9/28/2021
- Aldea the Axolotl, 9/29/2021
- Elina the Peacock, 9/29/2020
- Gigi the Cat, 9/29/2020
- Conradina the Bigfoot, 9/30/2021
CHECK OUT: Beanie Baby Tag Errors To Look Out For
- Lamont the French Bulldog, 10/1/2021
- Kinsley the Llama Pegacorn, 10/2/2020
- Rida the Butterfly, 10/2/2021
- Louden the Goat, 10/3/2021
- Rachel the Mushroom, 10/4/2021
- Elda the Ostrich, 10/5/2020
- Herb the Turtle, 10/5/2020
- Sissy the Panda, 10/5/2021
- Anca the Unicorn, 10/6/2020
- Bethany the Koalacorn, 10/6/2020
- Crya the Crab, 10/6/2021
- Lovisa the Chameleon, 10/6/2021
- Luvinia the Dragonfly, 10/6/2021
- Jazmanian the Lion, 10/7/2021
- Loraly the Alien, 10/7/2022
- Chuey the T-Rex, 10/8/2020
- Donnan the Dodo, 10/28/2021
- Bobzi the Pekingese, 10/9/2021
- Greta the Bear, 10/10/2019
- Lenora the Loon, 10/10/2019
- Maurice the Moose, 10/10/2019
- Rondah the Highland Cow, 10/10/2021
- Sheldon the Seahorse, 10/10/2019
- Willy the Wolf, 10/10/2019
- Antoni the Turtle, 10/11/2020
- Charity the Chicken, 10/11/2019
- Zelma the Hippo, 10/11/2021
- Althea the Axolotl, 10/12/2021
- Gerard the Chick, 10/12/2021
- Emily the Bat, 10/12/2018
- Maritza the Cactus, 10/12/2020
- Tiff the Peacock, 10/12/2020
- Amal the Moth, 10/13/2022
- Bridgie the Tulip, 10/13/2020
- Caroleena the Carrot, 10/13/2020
- Luther the Shark, 10/13/2020
- Isis the Seal, 10/13/2020
- Shannon the Ice Cream, 10/14/2020
- Basmina the Beluga Whale, 10/16/2021
- Leonard the Rainbow Lion, 10/17/2019
- Nicolita the Unicorn, 10/18/2022
- Scarlito the Barn Owl, 10/18/2022
- Stokely the Bear, 10/18/2022
- Valentina the Bunny, 10/19/2019
- Wu the Bunny, 10/19/2021
- Blake the Bunny, 10/20/2020
- Teddy the Boston Terrier, 10/20/2019
- Tommy the Border Collie, 10/20/2019
- Vinny the Sea Turtle, 10/20/2019
- Eugene the Monster, 10/21/2022
- Melani the Fox, 10/21/2020
- Rolland the Panda, 10/21/2021
- Virgil the Vampire, 10/21/2022
- Bruce the Walrus, 10/22/2018
- Gordon the Shark, 10/22/2018
- Kai the Orca, 10/22/2018
- Lucille the Seal, 10/22/2018
- Matt the Manatee, 10/22/2018
- Perry the Dolphin, 10/22/2018
- Shondie the Unicorn, 10/22/2021
- Sunny the Bee, 10/22/2018
- Trudy the Ladybug, 10/22/2018
- Veronica the Octopus, 10/22/2018
- Xiomara the Black Panther, 10/22/2020
- Dominic the Dragon, 10/23/2019
- Giovana the Bunny, 10/24/2021
- Makena the Unicorn Mermaid, 10/24/2020
- Bebb the Dinosaur, 10/25/2021
- Charles the Pickle, 10/25/2022
- Chet the Iguana, 10/25/2020
- Illia the Hot Sauce, 10/25/2022
- Mannon the Gouda Cheese, 10/25/2022
- Malzie the Chipmunk, 10/25/2022
- Octave the Snow Monkey, 10/25/2022
- Xam the Kirin, 10/25/2022
- Justin the Dinosaur, 10/26/2021
- Jezray the Frog, 10/27/2021
- Simone the Shrimp, 10/27/2020
- Steve the Seagull, 10/27/2021
- Abbit the Tapir, 10/28/2022
- Behemoth the Behemoth, 10/28/2021
- Biatrix the Fish, 10/28/2021
- Carin the Dragon, 10/28/2022
- Daley the Lo Mein, 10/28/2022
- Jiovanne the Cat, 10/28/2020
- Kelly the Velociraptor, 10/28/2022
- Leviathan the Sea Serpent, 10/28/2021
- Liz the Boysenberry, 10/28/2021
- Melrose the Cassowary, 10/28/2022
- Nichelle the Parasaurolophus, 10/28/2022
- Sassafras the Saint Bernard, 10/28/2022
- Seanster the Stegosaurus, 10/28/2022
- Armie the Highland Cow, 10/29/2021
- Cazlan the Cardinal, 10/29/2020
- Harrison the Hippo, 10/29/2019
- Relinda the Sheep, 10/29/2021
- Sayed the Bunny, 10/29/2021
- Cherish the Elephant, 10/30/2020
- Corinna the Cat, 10/30/2020
- Effie the Leopard, 10/30/2020
- Ludwig the Frog, 10/30/2020
- Ainhoca the Ankylosaurus, 10/31/2022
- Altman the Squid, 10/31/2022
- Amaro the Hyena, 10/31/2022
- Anni the Jellyfish, 10/31/2022
- Beck the Roadrunner, 10/31/2022
- Brixton the Sugar Glider, 10/31/2022
- Javari the Groundhog, 10/31/2022
- Khalil the Koi Fish, 10/31/2022
- Leland the Fish, 10/31/2022
- Magtus the Basilisk, 10/31/2022
- Malu the Shih Tzu, 10/31/2022
- Marta the Chocolate Ice Cream, 10/31/2022
- Onel the Eel, 10/31/2022
- Pepper the Walrus, 10/31/2022
- Refalo the Pufferfish, 10/31/2022
- Roboyo the Water Alien, 10/31/2022
- Romano the Hippocampus, 10/31/2022
- Selassi the Platypus, 10/31/2022
- Zaine the Tarsier, 10/31/2022
- Edie the Easter Egg, 11/1/2020
- Tally the Tabby Cat, 11/1/2020
- Aquitaine the Pig, 11/2/2021
- Emerald the Seahorse, 11/2/2022
- Griella the Cow, 11/2/2021
- Gwendle the Pig, 11/2/2021
- Keith the Dragon, 11/2/2020
- Stevon the Dog, 11/2/2021
- Anjara the Breakfast Burrito, 11/3/2022
- Aurura the Owl, 11/3/2022
- Caeli the Cat, 11/3/2020
- Erissa the Blueberry Poptart, 11/3/2022
- Eyk the Dragon, 11/3/2021
- Gunther the Triceratops, 11/3/2022
- Hautely the Coffee, 11/3/2022
- Hermine the Pancake, 11/3/2020
- Hetty the Angel, 11/3/2022
- Lockwood the Rockhopper Penguin, 11/3/2022
- Marcos the Orange Juice, 11/3/2022
- Molly the Mushroom, 11/3/2021
- Nixy the Caticorn, 11/3/2021
- Oldin the Octopus, 11/3/2021
- Regz the French Bulldog, 11/3/2021
- Shena the Dog, 11/3/2020
- Snell the Strawberry Smoothie, 11/3/2022
- Vivie the Axolotl, 11/3/2021
- Xavier the Mushroom, 11/3/2021
- Balni the Toucon, 11/4/2021
- Crisanta the Bear, 11/4/2021
- Imogen the Owl, 11/4/2020
- Jessi the Zembra, 11/4/2021
- Magzie the Llama, 11/4/2021
- Owyn the Octopus, 11/4/2021
- Philipe the Axolotl, 11/4/2021
- Ridge the Dog, 11/4/2021
- Zinabell the Cow, 11/4/2021
- Duke the Dragon, 11/5/2019
- Danny the Dinosaur, 11/6/2017
- Reid the Pterodactyl, 11/6/2020
- Duranga the Raccoon, 11/7/2022
- Gregory the Goat, 11/7/2019
- Jason the Donkey, 11/7/2019
- Lang the Dinosaur, 11/7/2022
- Pyle the Mushroom, 11/7/2022
- Ritter the Tomato, 11/7/2022
- Ronalda the Yeti, 11/7/2022
- Winona the Llama Pegacorn, 11/7/2020
- Arnel the Popcorn, 11/8/2021
- Baptise the Macaw, 11/8/2022
- Borsa the Highland Cow, 11/8/2022
- Brizby the Peanut Butter, 11/8/2021
- Carmella the Toucan, 11/8/2021
- Dear the Dart Frog, 11/8/2022
- DeeDee the Seahorse, 11/8/2021
- Enos the Leopard, 11/8/2022
- Geraldine the Scottish Fold, 11/8/2022
- Grady the Appaloosa, 11/8/2022
- Halton the Stingray, 11/8/2021
- Iman the Jelly Toast, 11/8/2021
- Lelila the Popsicle, 11/8/2021
- Limell the Frog, 11/8/2021
- Ludovica the Stingray, 11/8/2022
- Melly the Milk, 11/8/2021
- Mony the Monarch Butterfly, 11/8/2021
- Neeona the Cookie, 11/8/2021
- Rosemund the Matcha Latte, 11/8/2022
- Visconti the Macaron, 11/8/2022
- Winsey the Watermelon, 11/8/2021
- Bubba the Cow, 11/9/2020
- Naya the Fox, 11/9/2020
- Aqua the Turquoise Sloth, 11/10/2020
- Autumn the Black Cat, 11/10/2017
- Barnet the Orange Fruit Bat, 11/10/2022
- Bella the Spider, 11/10/2017
- Candis the Shrimp, 11/10/2022
- Dove the Alligator, 11/10/2022
- Erica the Chinchilla, 11/10/2022
- Garo the Mushroom, 11/10/2022
- Gwendolyn the Strawberry Fruit Bat, 11/10/2022
- Jans the Fruit Punch, 11/10/2022
- Jenna the Boar, 11/10/2022
- Lexis the Red Panda, 11/10/2022
- Louise the Corn, 10/10/2022
- Neha the Dodo, 11/10/2022
- Randall the Mushroom, 11/10/2022
- Resul the Clown, 11/10/2022
- Roz the Raspberry Jelly, 11/10/2022
- Umberto the Clown, 11/10/2022
- Connie the Moth, 11/11/2022
- Mipsy the Axolotl, 11/11/2022
- Preeti the Slug, 11/11/2022
- Sloan the Skunk, 11/11/2022
- Willoughby the Possum, 11/11/2022
- Ballis the Franchie Dog, 11/12/2021
- Cici the Red Panda, 11/12/2018
- Dandii the Koi Fish, 11/12/2021
- Easton the Anglerfish, 11/12/2021
- Elliene the Parrot, 11/12/2021
- Elton the Monkey, 11/12/2018
- Humphrey the Hamster, 11/12/2018
- Liv the Leopard, 11/12/2019
- Magela the White Crab, 11/12/2020
- Onica the Turtle, 11/12/2021
- Pax the Hamster, 11/12/2021
- Santino the Platypus, 11/12/2019
- Wesley the Wombat, 11/12/2019
- Ben the Dinosaur, 11/13/2017
- Chasmen the Axolotl, 11/13/2021
- Elle the Penguin, 11/13/2017
- Owen the Owl, 11/13/2017
- Tanner the Penguin, 11/13/2017
- Cherie the Sabre-Toothed Tiger, 11/14/2021
- Chienda the Mammoth, 11/14/2021
- Erika the Cat, 11/14/2020
- Jaelyn the Axolotl, 11/14/2020
- Marisa the Parasaurolophus, 11/14/2021
- Nessie the Loch Ness Monster, 11/14/2021
- Poleena the Dinosaur, 11/14/2021
- Bijan the Dumbo Octopus, 11/15/2021
- Esme the Narwhal, 11/15/2020
- Laslow the Beluga Whale, 11/15/2021
- Lilith the Ostrich, 11/15/2022
- Lorono the Lobster, 11/15/2021
- Mollie the Unicorn, 11/15/2020
- Swish the Swordfish, 11/15/2021
- Abdul the Griffon, 11/16/2022
- Allina the Squirrel, 11/16/2021
- Galci the Raccoon, 11/16/2021
- Greggor the Moose, 11/16/2021
- Marceline the Corgicorn, 11/16/2020
- Solina the Owl, 11/16/2021
- Zen the Gnome, 11/16/2020
- Zaylee the Bigfoot, 11/16/2020
- Inez the Mint Pandacorn, 11/17/2020
- Kieli the Antelope, 11/16/2021
- Louisa the Penguin, 11/17/2020
- Luna the Penguin, 11/17/2017
- Manny the Snowman, 11/17/2017
- Martina the Fish, 11/17/2020
- Olga the Octopus, 11/17/2020
- Rutabaga the Caterpillar, 11/17/2020
- Aldron the Plague Doctor, 11/18/2021
- Aniela the Coffee Pot, 11/18/2022
- Argie the Grape Jelly, 11/18/2022
- Beebz the Cheetah, 11/18/2021
- Candiz the Werewolf, 11/18/2021
- Carmelita the S’More, 11/18/2020
- Delie the Candy Corn, 11/18/2021
- Edmund the Pterodactyl, 11/18/2020
- Ibina the Cat, 11/18/2021
- Ingred the Cow, 11/18/2022
- Johanna the Witches’ Brew, 11/18/2021
- Joldy the Bat, 11/18/2021
- Riba the Pumpkin, 11/18/2021
- Rocio the Triceratops, 11/18/2020
- Sinclair the Avocado Toast, 11/18/2020
- Tank the Hammerhead Shark, 11/18/2020
- Tyrus the Dinosaur, 11/18/2021
- Voodie the Witch, 11/18/2021
- Zyan the Bigfoot, 11/18/2021
- Atlas the Unicorn, 11/19/2020
- Cornelias the Corn, 11/19/2021
- Delindy the Pumpkin Spice Latte, 11/19/2021
- Gavi the Turkey, 11/19/2021
- Jackie the Tulip, 11/19/2020
- Jeannie the Tulip, 11/19/2020
- Leeland the Lime, 11/19/2020
- Leticia the Lemon, 11/19/2020
- Mac the Acorn, 11/19/2021
- Malcolm the Mushroom, 11/19/2020
- Bernardo the Burrito, 11/20/2020
- Davina the Octocorn, 11/20/2020
- Galindo the Snowman, 11/20/2021
- Gleb the Polar Bear, 11/20/2021
- Grecia the Pegacorn, 11/20/2020
- Leama the Christmas Tree, 11/20/2021
- Petra the Pig, 11/20/2019
- Easton the Anglerfish, 11/21/2021
- Jacinda the Poodle, 11/21/2021
- Jett the Dragon, 11/21/2020
- Luxe the Caticorn, 11/21/2020
- Maeve the Manatee, 11/21/2021
- Mo the Sushi, 11/21/2020
- Oshun the Octopus, 11/21/2021
- Sachie the Whale Shark, 11/21/2021
- Dabney the Fox, 11/22/2021
- Esmina the Fairy, 11/22/2020
- Ziv the Sugar Gilder, 11/23/2021
- Dallas the Leopard, 11/23/2021
- Drow the Dragon, 11/23/2021
- Gala the Griffon, 11/23/2021
- Yara the Yeti, 11/23/2021
- Ziv the Sugar Glider, 11/23/2021
- Brindall the platypus, 11/24/2021
- Caylee the Caticorn, 11/24/2021
- Cella the Bearded Dragon, 11/24/2021
- Doxl the Frog, 11/24/2021
- Haizley the Hippocorn, 11/24/2021
- Leonori the Lion, 11/24/2021
- Luxmen the Dragon, 11/24/2021
- Minya the Mushroom, 11/24/2021
- Cato the Birthday Cake, 11/25/2021
- Jerome the Triceratops, 11/25/2021
- Katharina the Spotted Dog, 11/26/2021
- Merritt the Bunnycorn, 11/26/2020
- Micha the Frog, 11/26/2021
- Brizla the Frappuccino, 11/27/2021
- Amandine the Macaron, 11/29/2022
- Dash the Dumpling, 11/29/2020
- Dominik the Spider, 11/29/2021
- Juergen the Ghost, 11/29/2021
- Celestina the Dragon, 11/30/2020
- Chrissy the Dogicorn, 11/30/2021
- Dalia the Bat, 11/30/2022
- Diana the Butterfly, 11/30/2021
- Jana the Cat, 11/30/2021
- Kelen the Milkshake, 11/30/2022
- Phylo the Dragon, 11/30/2021
- Rease the Cinnamon Roll, 11/30/2022
- Siobhan the Axolotl, 11/30/2021
- Sivi the Hot Chocolate, 11/30/2021
- Stu the Cactus, 11/30/2021
- Talisa the Caticorn, 11/30/2020
- Vas the Frog, 11/30/2021
- Antoine the Peanut Butter, 12/1/2021
- Bongo the Pug, 12/1/2020
- Deja the Donut, 12/1/2021
- Gary the Giraffe, 12/1/2017
- Gideon the Guacamole, 12/1/2021
- Lola the Tie-Dye Unicorn, 12/1/2017
- Lizma the Macaron, 12/1/2021
- Shantira the Pterodactyl, 12/1/2020
- Tina the Tiger, 12/1/2017
- Will the Dragon, 12/1/2020
- Amelie the Strawberry Milk, 12/2/2021
- Cecy the Bunny, 12/2/2020
- Chester the Shrimp, 12/2/2022
- Helmut the Alien, 12/2/2021
- Sandro the Chow Chow, 12/2/2022
- Seamus the Cow, 12/2/2022
- Svenja the Axolotl, 12/2/2021
- Zap the Matcha Latte, 12/2/2022
- Davie the Shark, 12/3/2021
- Ellen the Seal, 12/3/2021
- Gloria the Frog, 12/3/2021
- Lorelai the Dragon, 12/3/2021
- Louie the Mango, 12/3/2021
- Miper the Chinchilla, 12/3/2021
- Monica the Axolotl, 12/3/2020
- Ripply the Sea Slug, 12/3/2021
- Tanja the Deer, 12/3/2021
- Harry the Horse, 12/4/2020
- Clayton the Cow, 12/7/2022
- Luya the Moth, 12/7/2022
- Mont the Monster, 12/7/2022
- Niven the Hamster, 12/7/2022
- Star the Bear, 12/7/2022
- Willett the Monster, 12/7/2022
- York the Highland Cow, 12/7/2022
- Shoni the Dodo, 12/8/2021
- Cannon the Candy Corn, 12/10/2018
- Milo the Mummy, 12/10/2018
- Trinity the Triceratops, 12/10/2019
- Warner the Elephant, 12/10/2020
- Zachary the Zombie, 12/10/2018
- Philip the Horse, 12/11/2020
- Quest the Owl, 12/12/2022
- Dunkie the Bison, 12/13/2021
- Aarin the Alpaca, 12/16/2021
- Alexie the Cow, 12/16/2021
- Boyer the Shetland Sheep, 12/16/2021
- Carlos the Crab, 12/16/2019
- Maddie the Crab, 12/16/2021
- Rie the Otter, 12/16/2021
- Selly the Cat, 12/16/2021
- Babette the Hedgehog, 12/17/2021
- Deezo the Anglerfish, 12/17/2021
- Kiks the Birthday Cake, 12/17/2021
- Rou the Walrus, 12/17/2021
- TJ the Squirrel, 12/17/2022
- Zipp the Parrot, 12/17/2021
- Bri the Owl, 12/18/2020
- Honeydew the Chameleon, 12/18/2020
- Mitzie the Mermaid Caticorn, 12/19/2020
- Daxxon the Alien, 12/20/2020
- Ditty the Pink Lemur, 12/20/2021
- Miralou the Snail, 12/20/2021
- Rudy the Rocket, 12/20/2020
- Roman the Earth, 12/21/2020
- Schifra the Squirrel, 12/21/2021
- Zuzana the Saturn, 12/21/2020
- Archer the Alligator, 12/22/2020
- Cruz the Sun, 12/22/2020
- Estrella the Star, 12/22/2020
- Aziza the Stingray, 12/23/2020
- Indie the Hermit Crab, 12/23/2020
- Lilou the Seal, 12/23/2020
- Pilar the Grasshopper, 12/23/2020
- Quinn the Kangaroo, 12/23/2019
- Rocket the Hammerhead Shark, 12/23/2020
- Vickie the Fox, 12/24/2020
- Kei the Cheetah, 12/28/2021
- Kippie the German Shepherd, 12/28/2021
- Mita the Badger, 12/28/2021
- Sventlana the Caticorn Mermaid, 12/28/2020
- Tia the Sugar Glider, 12/28/2021
- Barnabus the Owl, 12/29/2020
- Barnes the Sea Turtle, 12/29/2020
- Bobbie the Hedgehog, 12/29/2021
- Halima the Fox, 12/29/2020
- Joaquin the Dragon, 12/29/2020
- Shay the Squid, 12/29/2020
- Yasmin the Hedgehog, 12/29/2020
- Sunshine the Rainbow, 12/30/2020
- Vera the Rainbow, 12/30/2020
Do All Squishmallow’s Have Different Birthdays?
All standard Squishmallows have their own unique birthdays, even the ‘Mallows that are different editions or variants of base ‘Mallows. However, there are several that share the same birthday as others, and some dates that do not have any assigned ‘Mallows yet. That being said, all of them are randomly assigned, so they all have their own unique birthday, however, there are some ‘Mallows sharing the same day.
Do Any Not Have Birthdays?
Some Squishmallows will actually be created with a more simplified tag, meaning they won’t have a Squishdate, or birthday, but that isn’t very common. Licensed Squishmallows such as the Sanrio and Pokemon collection, as well as some spin-off plushie lines like Stackables, Hug Mees and Flip-A-Mallows do not have Squishdates, with their tags omitting the Size-Collector Number-Squishdate entirely.
How Many Squishmallows Exist?
There are currently over 1,000 different Squishmallow toys on the market and they are still producing them throughout the year, always releasing new and unique ‘Mallows.
As you can see, there are several Squishmallows that you can get your hands on, with several currently getting ready for their release. While not every day has a Squishmallow assigned to it, all Squishmallows have their own birthdays that make them that much more unique.
So, if you’re ready to start your Squishmallow collection, definitely check back at this list to see if you’ve completed your collection, or just to learn more about each of their personalities.
This is also a super helpful list to find the best, personalized Squishmallow to gift individuals, like purchasing a Squishmallow sharing the same birthday. Either way, this Squishmallow birthdays list shows all the ‘Mallows you can purchase for the complete collection.
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