7 Most Valuable Matchbox Cars

For collectors, it can be a challenge to attain the most valuable matchbox cars, especially the ones worth a small fortune.
And over the last decade, Matchbox has become one of the most popular collectibles. So, if you have any of the Matchbox cars on this list, we suggest holding on to them because the values could double.
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7. Cream Mercury Cougar (1968-1970), $3,800

The Mercury Cougar is extremely rare, but only in the color Cream. It’s unclear how many 1968 cream Mercury Cougars are circulating right now, but mint condition models are highly wanted and will cost a lot at auction. The estimated value is $3,800 but it could be more depending on the market.
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6. Ford Kennel Truck (1969-1972), $4,100

The sixth most expensive Matchbox car is the Green Ford Kennel Truck. It can be worth more than some real cars. The truck was produced between 1969 and 1972 and had a removable lucid plastic topper and four white plastic dogs. A mint-condition model with the dogs, topper, and box was sold at auction for $4,100.
5. Mercedes Benz 230SL (1967), $6,765

Coming in at number five on the list is the apple green Mercedes Benz 230SL from 1967. This Matchbox model was sold to a private collector, at an auction in 1999, for a whopping $6,765. It hasn’t been seen since and is probably locked away tight somewhere. Today, this Matchbox car could be worth double, even triple, considering the new wave of Matchbox collectors and inflation.
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4. BP Dodge Wreck Truck (1965), $8,499

This 1965 BP Dodge Wreck Truck has such a high valuation because this model was made with reversed colors, meaning the green parts should have been yellow, and the yellow parts should have been green. The final sale value was $8,499 when it was sold on eBay in 2013 and today, the estimated value is double.
3. ERF Dropside Lorry (the 1950s), $9,000

This lorry is one of the rarest Matchbox collectibles, and collectors are willing to pay top dollar to get their hands on one. If you had a spare $9,000 a few months back, you’d have been able to win yourself the third most expensive Matchbox car on the planet. A collector sold his lime green ERF Dropside lorry to an anonymous bidder for that amount.
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2. Opal Diplomat (1966), $9,000

In 1966, the Matchbox Opal Diplomat, in Sea Foam Green, cost just 48 cents. The car is believed to be a prototype, highly valued among Matchbox collectors, and features an opening bonnet and white interior. This rare collectible is worth in the region of $9,000, based on consistent, comparable valuations.
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1. Magirus-Deutz Crane (1961), $13,000

This little brown 1961 crane truck was sold for a whopping $13,000. The reason it is so valuable is down to age, model typle, condition, and rarity. The Magirus-Deutz Crane is currently the most expensive Matchbox car ever.
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