7 Weird Facts About Dogs

Dogs are irreplaceable. They become part of your family in an instant and forever change your life. But how well do you know the furry friend lying on your lap? There are so many weird facts about dogs that it’s impossible to know them all.
The American Kennel Club (AKC) recognizes 195 breeds, while the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) recognizes 360 — that means there are thousands of little quirks that each breed has. This means there are thousands of weird facts about dogs that you might not know about. From their behavior during potty time to how they sweat, here are the best weird facts about dogs.
7. Doggy Heaven

Ever want to go to doggy heaven? Or maybe you want to adopt a unique mutt? Well, you need to go to Territorio de Zaguates. Also known as the land of the strays, Territorio de Zaguates is a free-range no-kill dog sanctuary in Costa Rica.
The volunteer-run shelter has more than 1,000 dogs at any given time and has rescued more than 12,000 dogs. They hope to give pups a new chance at a great home. They even have special hikes across the hills with you and the dogs so you can officially experience doggy heaven.
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6. Dog’s Sweat In Weird Ways

Sweating for humans is pretty simple. Perspiration covers our bodies and drips off of us. But with dogs, it’s not so easy. They sweat through panting, as well as their paws. One of the many weird facts about dogs is the way they sweat. Panting is a common way they sweat, but not many people know that their paws are also part of it.
They have two types of sweat glands: Merocrine glands, which are similar to human sweat glands, and apocrine glands. The sweat from apocrine glands contains scent pheromones that help dogs identify each other as well.
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5. Dogs Can Watch TV

Ever catch your pup watching TV with you? When it comes to weird facts about dogs, this endearing and funny one might be shocking. Back when TVs were in homes, dogs wouldn’t be able to watch TV, as it just looked like strobe lights to them. But thanks to HDTV which had higher frame rates, dogs are now able to watch them.
This is because humans only need about 16 to 20 images a second to perceive what we see as a continuous film, whereas dogs need about 70 images per second. Breeds also affect how long they watch TV. Most only watch them in short bursts. But herding breeds watch TV more intensely as they’re attracted to moving objects on the screen.
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4. Do Dogs Feel Remorse?

We all cave to the classic puppy dog eye, but don’t let that fool you — dogs feel no remorse or guilt. When they shred that pillow, pee in the house, or sneak off with that slice of pizza on the counter, the visible signs of stress or fear are there if they know they’re in trouble. These signs include a tucked tail, the visible whites of eyes, yawning, flattened ears, and avoiding eye contact.
Some say that we’re still not sure if dogs feel guilt or not, but veterinary scientist Susan Hazel believes it’s clear dogs don’t feel or display guilt, they’ve just learned to appease.
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3. The Floppy Ears of Basset Hounds

Basset hounds are known for their sense of smell, tracking ability, short legs, and floppy long ears. But why are their floppy ears so important? Of course, they’re adorable to look at with their long ears, but there’s a reason for them.
Their long ears help to funnel scent particles and direct them towards the dog’s nose, improving their sense of smell. They’re also needed to help protect their face and neck from dirt, debris, and insects. The large surface area can help them cool off, especially in hot weather.
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2. Greyhound Dogs Are Fast

Greyhounds are known for their speed and agility. But just how fast do you think they are? One of the weird facts about dogs, especially greyhound dogs, is their amazing speed, reaching up to 45 miles per hour. Their originally bred to hunt game, as they’re excellent at catching rabbits, foxes, and other prey.
Compared to cheetahs, one thing might surprise you. While greyhounds average 45 miles per hour, and cheetahs reach up to 75 miles per hour, the long, sustained speed is different. Cheetahs sustain a top speed of around 219 yards, while greyhounds can sustain a top speed of about 273 yards. So while cheetahs are faster than dogs, dogs can run longer distances.
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1. The Truth Behind Potty Breaks

Bathroom breaks are loathed by many owners. Taking your pup for a walk during the day is great, but in the morning or right before bed can be grueling. And how many times do you get frustrated because your dog just won’t just squat? They keep sniffing the ground and tugging you along to find the perfect spot.
Well, there’s actually a scientific reason behind this. It’s known that the Earth’s magnetic field is essential for the survival of life on the planet. And like many animals, dogs are quite sensitive to the shifts in Earth’s magnetic field and will poop or pee with their bodies oriented along north-south magnetic field lines.
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